
What do you think of the names...........?

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Esmeralda Paige (Wilson)

Scarlet Rain (Wilson)

Ruby Virgina (Ginny) (Wilson)

Isabelle Lee (Wilson)


Patrick Laird (Wilson)

Jeremy Sean (Wilson)

Sean Neville (Wilson)

Dean Wayne (Wilson)




  1. i like Ruby and Jeremy.

  2. For the girls I like Scarlet Rain.

    Esmeralda Paige goes together well, but I think it would be annoying to always have to say Esmeralda because there isn't really a nickname for that.

    For the guys, I don't really like any of them. Laird sounds like lard.

  3. I think for a baby name would be dean because it is a good name .

  4. my opinion, don't rely on my word but I hate esmerelda and ruby, they remind me of Bewitched the tv show.  I do really like Scarlett Rain though.

    And I'm not thrilled over laird and neville.  It gives me me the heebeejeebees about naming a child after Harry Potter.  Ick. lol  But Sean is a great name

  5. I think I would use Esmeralda for a middle name not a first name just because its awfully long to spell and stuff...Paige Esmeralda.  Personally I like Isabelle the best in the girls names but not with Lee as a middle name.  For the boy names I like Dean the best but not with wayne.....Dean Patrick.

  6. Scarlet Rain (Wilson)

    Jeremy Sean (Wilson)

    P.S. WOW, you are planing ahead.

  7. I like:







    I don't like the combinations you haver but some of the names are very pretty :)

  8. isabelle

  9. Scarlet Rain & Ruby Virginia are gorgeous!!!

    Patrick Laird & Jeremy Sean are the best for the boys.

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