
What do you think of the nations who still hunt whales?

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and what should we do to stop far should we go to stop them?




  1. Why do people have such a soft spot for whales??? Have you ever figured Japanese people might have to eat? They live on a tiny country with hardly any agriculture.

  2. They know not what they do.

  3. I think the japaneise should try dohnuts

  4. the japanese dont need to hunt whales and how can it be ok? imagine the suffering and pain the whales go through been harpooned in the back, winched up onto the ship and then killed? it doesn't matter if they are endangered or not the point is they dont need hunt them.  Besides who cares if they are running out of agricultural space? its ther own fault ever heard of the condom? the whales should be way more important than another plague of people who think they can just go and slaughter who ever they feel like.

  5. it depends. the japanese are currently whaling species that are not endangered. i have no problem with this.

    if they decide to kill endangered whales then i have problem.

  6. The nations who hunt whales should stop before they move onto hunting other common species of whales or before whales become extinct.

    Nations like Japan, Norway, Iceland etc. should find some alternatives. Japan has such an advanced technology so why not create some clone whales or have their own whale farms if they are so much fond of whales.

    There are many things that we can do -

    1. Join Greenpeace at  -

    They are involved in anti whaling campaigns.

    2. Spread the word around and get involved as many as people as you can.

    3. Don't use products that are made of whales.

    4. Try as much as possible to not use things which are made from these countries. Buy it only as a last choice (It's a tough thing to do). Encourage others as well.

    5. Other nations can influence these countries to stop whaling or at least leave the malpractices indirectly or directly.

    We should go as far as it is possible but without any violence.

  7. Any country that practices whale hunting is wrong so the best solution would be... the hunter becomes the hunted and they can see how they like it. ;)

  8. Those are good countries just like yours and nothing should be done, because something is already being done.

    Your question is instigating and destructive, and be could consider racist.  Singling out a country and its people for possible harm, or any action, is not the way problems are mitigated.  You question shows a lack of understanding of the situation and an resistance to diplomacy.  In a word, immature.

    Norway is the largest most populated country that is illegally involved in whale harvest.  So, we should tell all the people of Norway to behave themselves or we will classify them as terrorist and launch a Marine Corp assault on Oslo.

    Education is the key.  Become more informed.

  9. I think we have bigger things to worry about. Like nations that still commit mass genocide on their own people.

  10. Why is hunting whales or seals any different than hunting any other type of animal?  If the hunting is managed appropriately so that endangered species aren't being taken and the season and limits are established to create a sustainable population, then it sounds okay to me.

    We should be more worried about the other 99% of our ocean resources.  Fisheries stocks are outrageously depleted.

  11. It makes me too angry to even really discuss here, but these "people" are OUT OF THEIR MINDS.  In this day and age, there is NO reason whatsoever to kill those magnificent animals.  There is "nothing" they could get from them that they cannot get in far better ways.  We do NOT need oil for lamps anymore.  We don't need their baleen.  Meat for food is far better from cattle, chickens, fish, etc, than killing one of the most intelligent animals on the earth.  

    The Japanese are nothing but liars when they say they are only taking whales for research.  Yea, right, and the so-called research is "funded" by selling the meat.  Think about that.

  12. I didnt even no that was goin on but i dont really think anyone cares because I've never heard of it and are whales even endangered

  13. The Faroes are the only nation in need of whale hunting, and they do it in their own harbor in Thorshavn every year, taking only what they need. The Faroese people hunt pilot whales, no others.

    The Japanese and Icelanders don't need to hunt whales.

  14. they are worthless and primitive .

    they can suck it .

    there's really nothing we could do .

    if it was my world, i would be hunting them and skinning them alive .

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