
What do you think of the new Robbie Keane song?

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He's fast

He's Red

He talks like Father Ted

Robbie Keane

Robbie Keane

I for one kinda like it!





  1. naaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah

  2. Eh its ok.

  3. It's awesome ;)

    I also like this one >>

    When we found ourselves with striker worries, good old Rafa said to me,

    there will be an answer: Robbie Keane.

    When Torres, Stevie, and Dirk aren't scoring, who'll turn one point to three?

    Our new Irish striker: Robbie Keane.

    Robbie Keane,

    Robbie Keane,

    Robbie Keane,

    Robbie Keane,

    There will be an answer - Robbie Keane.

    (Beatles, Let It Be)

  4. It's c**p  you can tell it's a Scouse song.

  5. Love it, as well as jayde's version :)

  6. I personally like both Jaydes is the best tho:)

  7. ya its nce but he has to match it with his football wits.....

  8. i dont like it

  9. one word - s**t

  10. really will be sung a lot because hopefully he will score a lot of goals

  11. Its c**p just like Liverpool!

  12. ye its good,i think its brilliant the way liverpool fans think of the songs so fast for there new signings  

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