
What do you think of the new United 93 memorial?

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  1. If only people truly realized what these men and women did for us.

  2. I think it's a great idea since that flight tends to be overlooked compared to the other 3. They deserve some sort of recognition/ memorial.

  3. Empty

  4. About time.

    We need to stop being ashamed every time a cross is put up.

    Muslims want us to accommodate their beliefs when they come here.

    Well the majority like or not are Christian here.

    When Muslims start allowing people to have a Bible like lets say Iran without being put to death.

    Or when some one converts to another religion the Muslims don't put them to death.

    Than maybe we can talk.  

  5. I'm anti any memorial

    We are the memorials to all that happens good or bad in this country

    OK maybe a simple plaque would be ok but to install huge, garish, eyesores because someones fealings get hurt is a little much.

    The veit nam memorial [almost made the wall ] was ironic in that an asian  designed it but yet some people weren't happy and they added all those large scale toy soilder figures to mess it up.

    If they want to spend money on stuff divide it up and give it to the families

    The rest of us will remember and maybe someday,somewhere in the future the facts won't be changed.

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