
What do you think of the new rule in English Prem that only the captain can speak to the ref?

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What about all the players that permanently moan




  1. I think it is terrible. What happens when teams have captains on defense or in net and the argument is needed in the other teams box? I think it will definitely be liked by the refs, but the fans will have to pick up the slack I guess.

  2. Good idea, same as in rugby. How saddening is it to see a referee confronted and harangued by a whole team. What message does that send to school children who watch the game week in week out.

  3. It works well in rugby, but our players will still gang up on the ref like what the chelsea and man u players do so the only thing to do is to dock points, fining players just doesn't work.

  4. Hey Sue hows you ? x I think its a great idea it works well in rugby,the ref speaks and its done and dusted,not like in football when the players follow the ref around and don't listen to him when he tells them to go away,they just don't have respect for the ref.x*x

    I hope diver Drogba is reading this answer lol

  5. Chelsea won't like it!

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