
What do you think of the new show paranormal state? I think it is downright creepy...?

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What do you think of the new show paranormal state? I think it is downright creepy...?




  1. I think the people associated with it are at best misinformed.

  2. I enjoyed watching it but I'm a ghost hunter, too.    I wondered, too, about the demon following him.  I agree, it's not a good idea to haul an evil thing to people's homes that already have a problem.

  3. I love it.  then again, I'm a paranormal investigator as well... though I don't think they go about it quite right.  who cares what the **** the demon wants?? just get rid of it gawd!!!!

  4. I like Paranormal State even though its very religion-centered and I am not. The cases are somewhat creepy to me. The ones about Demon's usually creep me out. I am just glad to see more programs on t.v like this. I have always had an interest in paranormal since I was a child. So now I have many shows to entertain me.

  5. The show is horrid for so many reasons I'd run out of room going into all of them.  One of my favorites is, IF the lead guy has a demon following him around, what business does he have going anywhere near clients that already have a potential haunting of their own?  Then there is the whole issue of performing exorcisms without a Catholic priest...

  6. There is just alot of things wrong with the show. I do not care for the lack of parapsychology involved. We create our own phenomena sometimes through stress,triggered emotions causing pk events, as well as fear. This show delves into things that these guys are just not qualified to handle and they have gadgets to try and make them look professional. Alot of the issues in the study today is the flooding of enthusiasts that have a hankering for the spotlight with no real investigative training getting shows and the public buying whatever they see on TV as the way things are. The reality is most times nothing happens usually on site or it takes a while to get GOOD EVIDENCE. Shadows dancing on a wall does not mean there are ghosts in a house and an hour does not produce phenomena even in the most haunted of locations sometimes. I think we need to get back to basics and start to use our heads and be a tad more skeptical,instead of looking for the adventure and excitment. Its there, but its not as readily available as TV shows show it to be. These are just observations from an Investigator and amateur parapsycholoist with over 20+ years in field research.

    My 2 cents......


  7. i loved it and it scared the crape out of me i was watching it with my husband and he fell asleep he isnt into those type of showes he thinks messing with the "other world" is wrong just leave the alone but anyways he fell asleep and i had to turn the channel becuase it was freaking me out to watch it alone

  8. Really? What's creepy about going around and digging up dead bodies of animals and humans? Or do you mean just the demons that they blame most things on?

    Could it just be "dead time" the anti-hour of Christ's death? (which by the way has no historical accuracy besides the edict of the Catholic Church for a holy hour)

    I can appreciate the religious aspect of wanting to help people but it shouldn't pretend to be science or an attempt to gather evidence or document experiences in a non-bias way. I would have invited a priest to do the reburial of the urn and remains which is just respectful so it makes me think that perhaps the spiritual aspect is all an act as well.

    I agree the atmosphere they create is creepy.

  9. I am not impressed with this show at all I have seen no real evidence they also claim the scientific approach to their investigations but they always use mediums the show has taken a search for the demonic also and if you notice ryan has pointed himself as a demonic target which tells me he is chasing fame to much theatrics once again staged happenings for ratingsthey have brought nothing in the way of evidence to the table shows like this gives our local skeptics fuel for the fire it is ashame

  10. I love the whole Paranormal thing, I have done “ghost” hunts and stuff like that, but I hate to say it I hate this show!  The lead investigator is so annoying; please make him stop with the voice sound effects!  The only good part of the show is they use the Demonologist from Ghost Hunters (I love the twins).  They are very smart and can bring a lot to the table other than that a lot of that tactics used on the show are just bad, it is too short, you don’t get to see enough of the investigation and again I can’t get past how annoying the lead guy is.  I watched two episodes and have not watch anymore; it was just too painful to watch.  There are other “ghost” shows on that represent the paranormal community a lot better.  Sad I thought it was going to be great; I was all excited being a ghost hunter myself for this show.  What a let down!

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