
What do you think of the next Superpowers:China & India?

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America (apparently) will 'fal' this year..If youre American what'you think of your country ' falling'?




  1. their industry will destroy the world as a habitable bio-sphere.

    2 billion+ more people living like the americans and the Earth is doomed.

    but i think it was inevitable anyway the way things were going.

  2. Never having to live in a country that calls itself a superpower is one of the best things a person can have. I am sure the beggars in the streets of New Delhi are happy that India is

    a nuclear nation.Likewise the poor of China. And whether it falls or not will not make a blind bit of difference to a soldier

    who has returned to the US from Iraq with a disability.

  3. China, Russia, Europe, USA are the superpowers.

    That is the order of their power.

    If OPEC begins to trade oil in EUROS, the US will crash.

    China is by far the most powerful country in the world at the moment most of the UK and US's Billions of dollars in debt is owed to China.

  4. America is already finish as an only supperpower.

    China and India judging from their mutual naturalhatred of each other will eventually eradicate each otherin the year of 2026 -2027.

  5. Hmm. IF America does fall China do'll better than India - my opinion.

    Although China' s a communist country, China's got a HUGE market, funky fashion, down to earth etc. And many of them do like the Americans!

  6. if you looking at the chart of 10 years both USA and CHINA heading opposite directions.from an outsider pt of view.

  7. America won't fall and China is already a Superpower.

    The Superpowers are: America, Russia, China,France & England- but the top 3 were always the USA, Russia (or the USSR as it was called then), and China.  

    India,North Korea and a few others may have to learn the hard way though about nuclear war and MADD.

    Mutally Assured Destruction Deterent  - this is what keeps nations from pushing the buttons or saying they're going to - you see both sides have the capability and if they don't -a nation that protects them does.

    Remember what happened when North Korea and India made nuclear threats against their neighbors. The Superpowers made threats of their own.

    The point I'm trying to make is that India, North Korea, and some others are Superpower wannabes - the others are Superpowers by reason of what they are and what they stand for.

  8. i dont think there should be any world powers!

    why would america fall?

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