
What do you think of the nrl cheer girls?

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i think they are boring and have no talents of cheering the crowds like the american cheer girls.the rabittohs redundant them because they are boring and cannot cheers the crowds.shoulld they learn the way the american cheer squad cheering the crowd.?




  1. There a useless waste of time.

    I think you're there to watch the game NOT to watch the cheergirls.

    If you want to watch the cheergirls, then go to a cheerleading show and watch them there.

    not at a footy game.

  2. i guess you could say they do their part in cheering, but the game is much more interesting.

  3. Its a great idea to have Cheer Leaders! Our Cheer Girls do seem like a joke compared to the USA, but over there its a Professional Sport, here theres no funding! It should change, but with Souths dumping theres for a pathetic "drumming band" thats a joke!

  4. you sound a bit jealous

    maybe all clubs should go with dole bludgers playing drums that will pull the crowds through the gate

  5. mate as a bunnys supporter i was a bit disapionted that the cheer leaders were gone BUT i fully agree that the cheer leaders dont gee the crowds up enough. i agree they should learn from the americans

  6. hey are just trying to make NRL exciting

  7. I like the cheer girls - Rabittohs games are now more boring without them.

  8. G'day frincceee !,.,.,.,.,.Auzziegob was told by a well known player  that the cheeeeries sweat is the best available sweat in Aussie !

    And why wouldn't it be. It's ubewt, fairdinkum, ridgeydidge Aussie sheila's sweat !

    It should be scraped offem and bottled and sold !

  9. thats the only good thing about the nrl the games ****.

  10. i cant say im ever paying attention to them.... im more interested in the game personally!

  11. well i completly agree.. a few weeks ago at a storm game, the junior cheerleaders of victoria (or something) performed at half time and totally upstaged the actual cheerleaders.. pretty sad ay..? i think a real cheerleader are like those in america, they are actually entertaining for all, not just a peice of a s s for drunk men to perve on...

  12. I find them boring but I don't want to get rid of them. I agree with the idea that they learn the way the american cheer squads perform. They just need to make it more interesting to watch. The little kid cheerleaders are cute to watch to.

  13. there good to look at when your teams losing.

  14. there boring and there moves are very very stupid id much rather watch a game of mini league at half time.

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