
What do you think of the old and confused John McCain as President?

by Guest10662  |  earlier

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What do you think of the old and confused John McCain as President?




  1. He would be infinitely better for this country than young and Marxist Obama

  2. Better than the young and stupid Big-O!

  3. I don't trust him right now, doesnt he believe in war, if so that really bothers me...

  4. I don't see a problem

    Ronald Reagan

  5. I'm giving him a fair shot at my vote, but I can't for the life of me figure out where he stands on anything.

  6. I think he is experienced and overqualified.

  7. well first i do not think u should disrespect someone who has given so much for this country and which has serve us with honor and with honesty for so long . second i do think than John McCain is pretty well intentioned and than he really believes than his plan is in the best interest of America . third i do not agree in every issue with him even though as i said i see a great individual in him , fourth because of the difference of opinions i have with him i believe than Obama would take this country in the best direction ratter than McCain .

  8. From what I heard his last campaign stop was a grocery store produce dept.

    Now that is sad indeed.

  9. Old and Confused.  I don't even think he knows he's running for president.

  10. he cant even stay up past 7pm

  11. what is this bull c**p about john mccain? all u ghetto teens need a lesson. well, u guys probably already got 1. doesn't any1 believe that obama is just a trash wannabe white president. all he does is talk & copy other president speech. for ex. martin luther king jr, john f kennedy. it's all bull. there is always a bad side 4 both candidate. obama is a colored person and young. mccain is an american and old. but u know what, it's better 2 have an american & old as ur president. i believe mccain will lead us american's 2 a better start than a wannabe jerk like obama. when every1 say "oh, let's make a change". well, america u got a change in 2008. that is when obama & hillary clinton start 2 kill us all. my opinion.

  12. GO OBAMA!

    mccain is way into war, and thats not going to help us at all

  13. I think anything is better than the younger and confused Bush as president...

    I actually think that either Barrack or McCain would make an okay president...

    Barrack still has my vote (even though I can't vote yet, or in America)

  14. Better than Obama where the stinking third party already seriously!!  Oh and just bc I wont vote for Obama does not mean i am raciest!!  Im sick of being told that were raciest bc we wont vote for him, its his campain that i wont vote for.. change it and ill change my vote!

  15. Since he is, obviously, more mature, more knowledgeable, far brighter, than you why should you object to his age.

    Why do you say he is confused? Have you any evidence to back up your juvenile smartmouth claim?

  16. You are watching the liberal media too much. They are the ones making stuff up about our next President, McCain. They can't find anything else to use against him. He is a fine, respected American Hero, and he is not confused at all. He is in perfect health, and much more qualified to help our country. BO is the confused one. ER, UM, UH, for example, "Like I said before", when he didn't say before, or like "I have always said", when he never did say. He is a snake oil salesman. We need a real hero in the Oval Office, not some racist Marxist who wants to ruin our country and run it like France or Germany.

    He made a fool of himself in Germany last week.

    I can hardly wait to see what he does next.

  17. Now if anyone says anything about not supporting BLOBAMA, it's considered prejudiced and racist.


    He can't help how old he is just like BLOBAMA can't help that he's black.

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