
What do you think of the olympic opening programme

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Tienanmen square is the place where the chinese Government murdered 10.000 students. In the same spot we today see the olympic games opening. And one of the architects of that massacre current president Hu jin tao sits smiling enjoying himself

Dont you find this a disgrace to the human conscience?




  1. 10 000 students is nothing compared to annihilating 2 entire cities with nuclear weapons like the US did. or compared to the opium wars france and britain, mostly britain were responsible for in china. according to wikipedia less than half of that actually died.

    i think no matter the place no matter the government if a protest is large scale enough and determined enough people will die.

    i thought the ceremonies were great. the truly downside to me is the pollution, but i won't blame china for that since alot of the pollution is ours from having china produce our goods.

    if it wasn't for the west, china would probably still have an emperor, would never have become communist, hong kong would never have belonged to the british and tiananmen squared would never have occurred.  

  2. not a big fan of ching chang chong.

    thanks for the info. that is shameful.  

  3. I lost all interest in the Olympic games a long time ago.

  4. Time has changed and people changed their values. I believe we must give people a chance to change and we must learn to forgive. Otherwise that heavy burden in our hearts will always be there. By the way, the opening programme of the Olympics in Beijing, China was a superb opening salvo. You see people united!

    Thanks for asking. Have a great day!  

  5. I totally agree but everything has a time and a place.

    . . . . better question is what can we do about it, and why are not doing it then. Bush said he might not go, Sarkozy said he wouln't go, but both of them were there today.

    How do you feel about destroying the environment, pollution, despicable working conditions, menial wage - would you buy something made under those conditions, yet we do everyday! Market is full of Chinese imports.

    If you look back at US history, US has supported and aided, many tyrants and dictators - and still is. So which is worse a 'tyrant' or somebody supporting and aiding him!

    There are many other countries even worse than China, but plant can't grow unless it is nourished, unless it is watered, it gets required nutrients, sunlight, optimum conditions . . . so we need to ask are we nourishing these thorns.

  6. I think perhaps every nation must learn it has made mistakes, when it comes into the full flowering of globalism. The US killed four students at Kent State who were merely protesting the Vietnam war. It was a day of shame, for those of us who remember it. It was a turning point, when the Right realized it was losing and could not prevent the protests any longer. That event peripherally helped end the war, but that is no excuse for what happened.

    President Gorbachev of the Soviet Union disolved his own Communist government with the stroke of a pen, ending the Communist power there; after which he resigned as President. Perhaps something similar will happen soon in China.

    But the beautiful and powerful Opening Program was, as former Secy. of State Madeline Albright said about another nations' fabulous entertainment, the kind of spectacle that only a dictator could order and get.

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