Beneath the drowsy eyes of mount Vael
Sitting astride the rushing wasters of Dron
Lies Quinto, a city of strength and pride
With her massive walls of marbled stone
Standing firm, like mountains made by man
Casting their grim shadows across the plain
A plain bearing scars of battles cruel
Once adorned with fields of golden grain
Upon the walls danced an emerald flag
Richly adorned with silver and gold
On its center a golden mace was sewn
A relic of legends long untold
A mace wielded by "the Lion" of Qùvn
The father of Quinto and her first king
And years on, his heritage still stands
A city admired by every being
Long has Quinto basked under the sun
But now a vicious gale is whirling strong
And Quinto's hopes are now all outrun
The sky is dark and it wouldn't be long
When her walls lay frail and her might is gone
And her lovely princess, so fair and young
Is to be strayed in the dying city
That will have neither mercy nor pity
(To be continued…)