
What do you think of the ouija board?

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i personally think its scary!

Some people think its cool but others (myself included) hate it.

What are your opinions on the game?




  1. well im not sure what it is, but if it is whati think it is then yes i think its very scary and hate it

  2. I love it

  3. I personally think there is nothing wrong with it and what i can do many people use it for fun and nothing happens some people use it for fun but can have a harsh consiquences i have used it numerous times and have had good and bad outcomes and i like to think that this is the way to another world that we cant explain i mean: many people steer clear of these things as they can not explain supernatural phenomena but hey life is what it is and some people cna handle the unexplained whilst others can not.. i do offer some adivce do not use it in a sacrade place such as the home if you are just using it to mess around i wuld advise not to but if you do do not use it at home as it may have an bad outcome... use this site to find out its history.....

  4. I think it is a game that plays on the susceptibility and often gullibility of people.  It is the people using the game that make it work.  With that said, it can still scare you.

  5. The Ouija Board is only scary to those who don't understand it or know how it is intended to be used.

    It is not a game, but rather a device used for communication.

  6. I did try it when i was about 14 ( stupid) nothing really happend that much but personally i dont think id try again...Just some things you dont mess with

  7. I personaly do not think it is a game, but rather that it is branded as a game.

    It is like branding a beer as a soda and then selling it at a vending machine as soda.

    People do it for fun, but so do people smoke for fun, use drugs for fun etc.  Because people are doing it for fun does not make it right.

    It is scary stuff.  In one of my answers today I indicated that I used to play with those type of things, for fun, but realised that what is fun can at times be quite dangerous.

    As the saying goes "Fools boldly go where Angels fear to tread".

  8. I've played it, nothing ever happened.  The people touching the pointer make it go, regardless of what they might say.


  9. I think its kinda creepy...Why would you want to mess around with spirits and stuff anyways?  I don't need any scary spirits anywhere near me!

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