
What do you think of the petition already signed by 19,000 scientists rejecting AGW Alarmism?

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consensus? what a joke.




  1. Total fake.  Just a list of names that were emailed in.  No credentials.  Many are obvious fakes.

    Details here.  If you don't like Wikipedia, tell me what's false in this extremely well documented article.

    The scientific consensus is real.

    The National Academy of Sciences, the American Association for the Advancement of Science, the American Institute of Physics, the American Chemical Society, the American Geophysical Union, the American Meteorological Association, etc.

    All agree.

    "The fact that the community overwhelmingly supports the consensus is evidenced by picking up any copy of Journal of Climate or similar, any scientific program at the meetings, or simply going to talk to scientists. I challenge you, if you think there is some un-reported division, show me the hundreds of abstracts that support your view - you won't be able to. You can argue whether the consensus is correct, or what it really implies, but you can't credibly argue it doesn't exist."

    NASA's Gavin Schmidt

  2. Anyone could sign that petition.  What a joke.

    The article that accompanied the petition was written in the style and format of a contribution to Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, a scientific journal.[5] Raymond Pierrehumbert, an atmospheric scientist at the University of Chicago, said that it was "designed to be deceptive by giving people the impression that the article…is a reprint and has passed peer review."

    In 2005, Scientific American reported:

    “ Scientific American took a sample of 30 of the 1,400 signatories claiming to hold a Ph.D. in a climate-related science. Of the 26 we were able to identify in various databases, 11 said they still agreed with the petition —- one was an active climate researcher, two others had relevant expertise, and eight signed based on an informal evaluation. Six said they would not sign the petition today, three did not remember any such petition, one had died, and five did not answer repeated messages. Crudely extrapolating, the petition supporters include a core of about 200 climate researchers – a respectable number, though rather a small fraction of the climatological community.[16]

    In May 1998 the Seattle Times wrote:

    “ Several environmental groups questioned dozens of the names: "Perry S. Mason" (the fictitious lawyer?), "Michael J. Fox" (the actor?), "Robert C. Byrd" (the senator?), "John C. Grisham" (the lawyer-author?). And then there's the Spice Girl, a k a. Geraldine Halliwell: The petition listed "Dr. Geri Halliwell" and "Dr. Halliwell."

    Asked about the pop singer, Robinson said he was duped. The returned petition, one of thousands of mailings he sent out, identified her as having a degree in microbiology and living in Boston. "It's fake," he said.[15]"


    I suppose those would be the same 200 dedicated scholars who came together for the International Conference on Climate Change this month. There is always a danger when you circulate a petition, that you will get joke signatures. But the fact that there are so many real scientists and educated citizens who are skeptical of AGW, should raise some doubts.

  4. J S beat me to it.  Basically they let absolutely anyone with a college degree sign it (why should I care what a botanist thinks about global warming?), there were tons of false signatures (i.e. one of the Spice Girls, many duplicated names), and the thing was debunked many years ago.

    In fact it's been debunked so badly that they sent out a new version this last October, which is basically an admission that the previous version was worthless.

  5. This has been thoroughly debunked, countless times.  They used deceptive methods to get a bunch of unverified names placed on a list.

    Do you know how many of these "scientists" have ever studied anything remotely close to climate science?  Do a little research, and I bet you won't be posting this link again.

    If you're interested in a list of actual Climate Scientists (i.e. people that are actually educated, researching, and publishing results in scientific journals about Climate Science) I suggest you check out this list instead:

  6. nice work, detective JS, but this petition is new,  after 2005, your post is invalid because it isnt refering to this particular petition.  

    Also, you fail to forget the 2500 "scientists" the IPCC claims to have are actually politicians, people with liberal arts degrees, and so on.  Many of them have degrees where there is very little, or no science in the cirriculum.  Thank you.

  7. Doesn't surprise me the Earth is constantly changing with or without humans

  8. It's funny, but the typical deniers of natural climate change are saying they don't think much of this petition.  Yet they always like holding up the list of scientists who believe humans cause global warming when most of those believers weren't even in the climate fields of science.

    I read the list of believers and these "scientists" were as far reaching as gynecologists and geologists, including a few cosmetologists.  I guess if you know how to style hair you're an expert on global warming.  And if you believe humans cause climate change you must be right.

    And they admit that Al Gore is a blithering idiot, but say he's just the messenger.  But if he's such an idiot, why do people believe his fake movie?  And if he doesn't believe the earth is in peril, then why should we?

    Hypocrisy always works against the hypocrite.

    As people become educated, the AGW hoax starts going away in the eyes of the intelligent and honest.  There will always be those who support AGW even though they know it's a scam.  They're part of the problem.

  9. Not this olf chestnut again!!!!

  10. That is pretty funny.... but they aren't all scientists. Most are just concerned citizens of the world who don't want a world wide socialist government.

  11. Looks pretty dumb.  I guess anybody can be a scientist nowadays.  Too bad they didn't have anybody with Webmaster skills.

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