
What do you think of the petrol prices in australia?

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expensive or a rip off




  1. Expensive? Yes!!!!!

    But nothing we can do about it. It's the way the world is these days. Demand for petrol is far outstripping supply. It's amazing the level of politics surrounding one lil resource :)

    But everything's increasing in price. Nothing much to do but take it - because we can't all expect things to remain level in today's economy - otherwise packs of smokes will still be $5! No use whinging about it - thing's will get worse

    :) Cheer up all.

  2. Learn to deal & stop whining people.  

    Every year there is less petrol and more people that want to buy the stuff.

    Every year the price will go up.  This will never change as a general trend.

    The days of cheap fuel are gone so get a more economical car and drive it carefully and as little as possible.  We have to do this anyway to reduce CO2 emissions so we may as well get started now.

    Sorry, but this is how grown-ups have to start thinking rather than demanding that our governments protect us from the inevitable.

  3. Total Rip Off, every Wednesday afternoon the petrol price 'suddenly skyrockets about 15 cents a litre" ie, just in time for 'pay day' Thursday,  I went into my local service station early one Thursday morning, the pump read 1.15 per litre, when I looked up the sign displayed to the main road read 1.29, I walked up to cashier and said "how come the pump reads 1.15 and the sign out front reads 1.29, "Oh, **** Debbie, Dave forgot to change the pumps when he finished his shift"  Our petrol is already in big huge tanks , storage, purchased ages ago from overseas, yet every week, the fuel that has been sitting here for half a year is jacked up again, I hope they (petrol companies) find maggots in all their lunches for the next decade!  Total Rip off

  4. Like any  country in the world except those like Saudi Arabia Venezuela there cheaper backing subsidies

    Unless governments around the world act to stop the manipulation of crude oil prices. petrol prices they keep raising

    1-changes in international prices for refined petroleum products

    2-movements in the Australian/US dollar exchange rate

    the level of federal and state excise and taxes

    local price cycles.

  5. what ARE the prices in australia?

    Here in the states it sucks but i won't complain if other countries are paying more

  6. its the government taxes, its taxed l think three times before it reaches the public, l blame the government they are out to make money off us, my hubby and l average around thirty dollars a day in petrol to and from work, cost us more to get to work than our living expenses, its rediculous and they dont care, we live in a small town and travel about 45km each way to work, and no its not practical for us to move or catch public transport, the thing is we have to pay it or dont go to work, the price has more than doubled in the last three years, pity wages didnt do the same

  7. Well there you go, You invade one small middle eastern country and they make you pay at the petrol pump forever. evan Kevin Rudd now wants to add a 30cent per litre levy on top bring petrol up to $2.00 / litre plus. So yes it is a rip off

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