
What do you think of the population clocks and our fast growing populatioN?

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  1. Its just a model indicating whatever the author wants. The fact is the human population can increase without ill effects if and when good engineering is developed.

  2. Take a Neo-Malthusian view on this and you conclude that the population will bump up against some limit that will pare it back.  The paring action being disease, war, famine, etc.

  3. When I go onto the population clock website, it causes me great alarm.  Those numbers represent real people -- people who will need homes, food, water, energy, jobs, hospitals, schools, roads, and on and on and on.  Anyone who understands about limiting factors and carrying capacity knows that this sort of exponential growth will not continue indefinitely.  We are not separate from nature, and we do have to obey natural laws.

  4. Over population is very bad because it could result in a great war .

  5. Wow so many clocks they will take over the world. I see the making of a horror film here!!!! Tick Tock .....ARRRRRhhhh.

  6. The Earth already supports more than twice the number of people it has resources for.  Natural resources are NOT inexhaustable and we are beginning to see the consequences of that, such as widespread famines that last for many, many years.  The expanding population also results in more deforestation in the pursuit of places to build homes.  That contributes to global warming by removing massive amounts of trees.  Trees are essential to reduce the carbon in the air, along with other greenhouse gasses.

    We are fools if we think engineering and technology will fix the problem.  Too many people is too many people.  Period.  We are the only species on this planet that doesn't have built-in natural poplulation control... for example... when bison populations grow too large in a particular region, nature takes over and compells them to run themselves off a cliff, thereby reducing the population and relieving the stress they put on the natural resources in that area.  Humans don't do that.  Instead, we continue to act irresponsibly and thoughtlessly.  We continue to have more and more children and expect there to be adequate resources for them.  Then they grow up and continue the cycle.

    We have to take responsibility and control our population.  With hundreds of thousands of children in need of adoption in the world, why do we need to create more?  How about limiting our reproductive urges to one child?  How about adopting instead?

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