
What do you think of the possibility of Kobe moving to Europe to play basketball???

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Personally I really don't care...all players in the NBA are vastly-overpaid and when he doesn't have a Championship that didn't win with Shaq on his team, everyone will finally see that he's a phony who just wanted all the attention to be himself.




  1. He'll get to take as many shots as he wants in Europe.

  2. Sounds like you talking out your butt...He went further than shaq did right? ok so who really needs who.. he went to the finals which is further than what half you haters predicted...shaq needs him..and how is he a phony, he still get paid more than you he still #1 nba leading scorer, and is todays greatest player as soon as you realize that the beter you are off getting over your jealousy of him,,and I hope he doesnt go to europe,, I hope he stays and wins the champioship to prove all you haters wrong

  3. If he goes Kobe will have to rise to a new level because Borat is going to want to pound him the way Paul Pierce Pounded Kobe's rear!

  4. If I'm not mistaken I believe it was Lebron James that said he wouldn't mind playing in Europe.

  5. yeah it came off a celtics blog so NOT TRUE

  6. Well currently, there is an influx of Americans going over to Europe to play. They actually make more money there because their economy is so much better. I wouldn't be surprised if Kobe goes to Europe - specifically Italy. He's fluent in Italian and his dad was a megastar in Italy.

  7. Come on man .. why wouldn't you consider playing in Europe ..when you can make 30 more million $ per year...

    Stop being sucha hater

  8. He may as well go...a team led by Kobe is never going to win an NBA championship in this era. He would have won at least one during the Jordan years when the league was much weaker. The Lakers were very lucky to make the championships last year. They were not the best team in the West. Their run reminds me of how the Cavs made it through the east a few years ago only to get slaughtered by the Spurs even though the Pistons were better. So Kobe may as well beat up on some Euro teams.

    Shaq was right. Run away Kobe, run away.  

  9. They're a match made in heaven, since they're both soft.

  10. i dont personally think he will. why would he want to move from the prime league in the world to play in europe

  11. He'll go wherever the money is.

  12. He is just gonna go so he dosent have to face paul pierce anymore. He is tired from his rear pounding!

  13. that's NEVER gonna happen...the Watts Riots in the '60s would resemble a Boy Scout Jamboree in terms of relative violence in the LA area...

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