
What do you think of the preg tests you can buy online for such a cheap price?

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Are they as good as they say and are they really accurate?Anyone find out successfully that they were preggo?




  1. hey i got some so called sensitive pregnow test that were ment to detect as low as 10 hcg and when i used them there was barely a faint + i mean thee slightest so i went and bought clearblue early taest and tested same day 9dpo in the afternoon and got a faint but noticable + when and got anther cause im tripping out about being prego and got a confirm that was ment to be done from day of period and even that showed up + compared to the ones off the net i wouldnt recommend them to my friends

  2. They are $1 at Dollar Tree (a franchise) and 99.9% accurate. I've used them many times. They're all the same so why pay 17 times the price? All it is is a strip that detects the HCG hormone in your body, the hormone that says Congratulations you're pregnant!

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