
What do you think of the "Remote Viewing" phenomena?

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Remote Viewing is the ability to see a distant physical place, or a future or past event. Some claim it is true.




  1. I think it's fascinating. I learned of this talent when I was introduced to the Stargate phenomena--the CIA spy operation. Here is a link that goes into detail if you want to check it out:

  2. I've remote viewed and it can be done. The government has done experiments w/ it. I can't remember who it is but someone who worked on the govt. remote viewing project wrote a book about it (it's declassified now). You could probably find it using a  search engine. Good luck to you. I love learning about this stuff!

  3. Remote viewing is a very real phenomenon that has, indeed, been demonstrated thousands of times.  It is essentially a form of "controlled" clairvoyance that allows the viewer (with proper training, practice, and protocols) using mental means alone to perceive and describe locations, events, people, etc. which are distant in space or time, or otherwise separated from the viewer by intervening shielding or obstacles.

    The CIA has released a declassified archive with literally thousands of remote viewing sessions done under military and government auspices.  Many of those sessions, done under double-blind or even more constrained conditions were successful at accurately and unambiguously describing the targets they were "aimed" at.  The CIA's archives are in addition to dozens of peer-reviewed science journal articles and well-researched books from the civilian world documenting the phenomenon.  

    Interlocutors who say that there is "no evidence" or that the phenomenon "has never been demonstrated" are simply ignorant of or willfully ignoring the extensive evidence available because it isn't explainable in their worldview.

  4. And some people claim they can fly.  And some people claim they have fairies in their living rooms.  But we don't have to take them seriously until they provide evidence for these claims.  And just like the remote viewers, they have not done so.

    Remote viewing is just another form of cold reading.  They through out some very general ideas - trees, water, red, etc - and after they find out the answer they try to match it up with their 'prediction'.  But it doesn't get you anywhere beforehand.

  5. I use it all the time.You would be amased what you can see.I once seen hidden ancient ruiens in syria.Undiscovered of course.Alien bases,Secret us military bases.

  6. "Remote Viewing" is fantastic. The ability to perceive things that are not within your physical reach or nonlocal reality.

    Wonderful stuff and well worth anyone's time to explore and develop your latent talents. Everybody can do this by the way.

    Once you overcome the idea that it can't be done it all becomes much clearer to you. How many times have you heard preachers tell you that you would be in league with the devil if you could predict the future. Do you see? They've just discounted every prophet that the 9,600 years of the Bible covers!

    Prophets didn't just go away when they stopped writing the Holy books in every religion. We are still here. No not documenting future world events but helping develop new medicines, and inventions and from time to time helping to find a lost child.

    It is 100% real, verifiable and can be taught to almost anyone. Like piano some of us have long graceful fingers while others have short stubby ones and everything in between. Not everyone is going to be a great musician but all of us can make a sound.

    Go for it you can only gain from the knowledge and experience.

    PS. Did you ever notice who always jumps in with the negative comments when anything is said about "Remote Viewing", what do you suppose they are trying to hide? Hm?

  7. I'm sorry, but I don't consider it a phenomenon until it's been demonstrated.  So far it hasn't been, despite the millions of dollars and thousands of man hours spent on research throughout the years.

  8. remote viewing is possible through the laws of quantum mechanics if you want to know more about remote viewing see this video

  9. I think it"s paranormal flizziz.Here's a little tale of remote viewing and the CIA

  10. I think that you're confusing several different things. Remote viewing is the ability to "see" contemporary (Things that are happening now) events or objects that are hidden from sight by either distance or by a physical barrier. Seeing something in the past or future is something completely different.

    Project Stargate was the official US government remote viewing program.

    Although there have been some "interesting" results from remote viewing experiments I am personally skeptical because I cannot rationalize the mechanism used in them with base parapsychology.

    In most experiments a person is shown a map location and is asked to "view" it. However, they would need to know where said location was in relation to them in order to view it and most viewers don't know that.

    Basically, in order to view something you need to find it first and base parapsychology can't explain how they find the location that they are supposed to be viewing.

    I can accept that they might be reading the mind of the person with the map to see what is there, but not that they are calculating distance and direction for a location from their current location, because most don't have a reference to their current location.

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