
What do you think of the "men" in todays modern society?

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i personaly think they are a sad sight.

i think these days the majority of men arent "men" at all anymore.

i think society has encouraged men to be wimps. reducing men to nothing more than emotional, crying, "in touch with there feelings", and working jobs they hate. to make matters worse turning the other cheek is even encouraged. now days when a bully bullies a kid the victim is encouraged not to fight back. then in turn the animal in us is repressed in us through societies standards and morals. and then our animal and "true man" shows itself in drinking problems, drug problems, marital problems, and overall instability and unhappy with what they are. i mean for god sakes it considered wrong to fight!!! thats what a mans body and insticts are built for!! of course we will end up repressed. its why office shootings happen. thats why america has such a fascination with violence in the movies. we LOVE it. we love to watch violence as well as bloodsports because its who we are. we can only live it trhough someone else now or through fantasy and movies. but we hold it in, and we make ourselves miserable instead of embracing our aggression and channeling it in the right ways instead of random bursts of violence st a moments weakness.

its funny. we raise our men to be emotional and not to fight and not be men. over time the wife leaves because they arent "man" enough. im sure deep down all women want a real man.

its a rediculous and easily avoided paradox.

biologicaly men fight to protect and to gain. and womens nature is to find security and to nurture. they go together perfectly. but as a society we broke that bond.




  1. There is indeed a disparity between the rights enjoyed by men and women here in the west and women suffer the consequences of the denigration of man. Humanity excels when is nurtures with love, it decays and poisons its own core with resentment when it seek to oppress the strong to elevate the weak or demanding

  2. I think men and women are equal in our society and violence in movies is of general concern. The use of computers aggravated these problems because within one click they can produce the most violent movie ever, leaving our children, men and women victims of such horrible movies.

  3. You're absolutely correct.

    It's called the decay of modern society through the death of morality -- the result is social nihilism.

  4. I agree, and paradoxically this is often compensated for by macho behavior. "Gangsta" etc. is not manly, it is a reaction to the feminization of man:

    I think you may find this interesting.

  5. The feminist movement did this as a deliberate covert operation instituted in our public schools to get women to hate men. This is one of the ways globalist and Zionist will reduce the population, because when women don't value men any longer marriages go down, and only half of the women in America are married. Then as part of the indoctrination men get marginalized so the ones that do get married feel out of place and rather useless.

  6. What I think about "men" today?

    I think it's harder than ever to find a 'real' man. One would really have to look through all that facade they tend to disguise themselves in.

    Not to mention, a lot of them don't know how to treat a woman properly.

    I believe in equality and sharing all responsibilities in life, but sometimes, they tend to be nothing but sexist pigs..

    Sometimes, women must stop and think if it's better for us to be by ourselves rather than settling for a 'so-so' type of man.

  7. As you write your thoughts, you are using the word 'we' when you should be writing 'I'.  I am a man and do not find myself agreeing with what you have written on my behalf.  It is male aggression that causes so much of the world's war torn problems.  Many parents who think like you bring up their children to think like you do.  If the aggressive side of the male nature was channelled into making peace and not war then the world would be a better place.  Restricting violence in society shouldn't result in repressed males - it should result in all that animal energy being urgently redirected into good causes to make the world a better more peaceful place.  Aggressively attacking war and poverty seems more worthwhile than destroying lives and communities.

  8. "then our animal and "true man" shows itself in drinking problems, drug problems, marital problems, and overall instability and unhappy with what they are."

    Actually what causes "drinking problems, drug problems, marital problems, and overall instability" is silence (generally speaking). I find that when I talk about my problems it's easier to keep from doing something stupid. It's easier to vent some of your frustration periodically rather than have it all explode right in front of your face at one given time.

    As for the fighting part. If everyone dealt with their anger in an immature way then we would have more of those problems I just talked about. It's better to talk about your problems instead of just giving someone a punch in the face every time they do something you don't like.


    People often ask me why someone my age, 23, would marry a man who is twice my age (46), and this is EXACTLY why.  It's because you need to go to that age group to find the only remaining real men!

    Most guys my age are incredibly immature, and about half of them still live at home or frequently go home to have their laundry done by mommy and pick up a few bucks from daddy.  And I can't believe that they don't think it's embarrassing (neither the guys nor their parents).

    And you're right, even the guys who are independent and were eager to break the apron strings from mommy tend to be incredibly wimpy.  The few that weren't are, of course, already strongly committed to a long-time HS sweetheart (and usually have 1 or 2 kids already, or at least one on the way).

    But I always tell my friends, many of whom are STILL trying to find someone our age but are becoming more and more disillusioned and realizing I am right, you really have to look much further up the age bracket to find a good man.  And even then, it's hard to find one who doesn't already have kids and other baggage from divorce.  So some kind of compromise is going to be required.  Still, better to share a real man than doom yourself to disappointment with someone who's essentially as responsible as a younger brother or, worse, like have a teenage child as a husband.

  10. they are what they were, only the looks have changed

  11. it sounds to me like you are annoyed that men are evolving into more advance, more enlightened beings, much less like the baboons we used to be.

    I don't see why that would annoy you, and i don't think you're right either.

    fighting is stupid, it by nature of itself must cease to exist. most would consider fighting to be an act of the muscles but i think it more of the mind. i think the best technique to fighting, is reactive, since action is vulnerable and reacting to your opponent properly will win you many more fights than just trying to power through it.

    so if both fighters know this, and fight both reactively then neither will throw the first punch. so by being the best fighters we must not fight at all.

    i find boys that fight are much less manly than the men that don't need to. you're like old school. sure some girls find it attractive, probably mostly the younger girls, but over time most of them will figure out how lame it is.

    i find it much less manly and much more cowardly when a boy feels the need to hide his emotions, like a scared little girl hiding under the bed,  so that people will not think badly about him. when you compare it to the man that is so confident in himself that he doesn't feel that displaying his emotions will compromise the respect he commands.

    though, i would agree that what causes the emotion matters. crying over something silly is crying over something silly. but all men have emotions, all humans do. some men have the confidence to display them, whereas some are pusseez and need to hide theirs.

    any man who has urges of violence can take up mixed martial arts or boxing or whatever, and beat the living daylights of other guys and get the c**p kicked out of themselves also. personally i never get that desire, though i like watching hockey and playing sports, it just makes more sense, you can school and be schooled, but your face won't be broken the next day.

    i don't really understand what your beef is and why it bothers you that more and more men prefer less and less to fight against each other.

    granted lots of the mens' instincts from our animal days are to fight. but our animal days are or should be over, and welcome the logic intelligent being days, that will allow us to live peacefully and happily, even if what makes you happy is fighting, as long as you do it in the right place. but it's slow coming, the animal in us is strong.

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