
What do you think of the release of Sami Kuntar?

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The zionists will be releasing him to Hezbollah in exchange for the remains of two deceased combatants from their units. I have mixed feelings. Opinions?




  1. I don't think he should ever get out,I think the main reason Israel agreed was to get the info Hezbollah is offering about the Israeli pilot. It is believed that Iran is or was holding Ron Arad.

  2. Yo- What Ultra N said goes double for me. I take solace in the fact that, while this may be a propaganda and psychological victory for Hisbullah and their legion of animals, we rack up the wins on the battlefield. And will continue to do so.

    Our enemies fight for a vague ideology.

    We fight for our very survival

  3. Thats what they should be doing..or no peace could ever be possible between them..let them get this part over with, and we'll be good..or no!! and by the way ur saying for the exchange for the remains of the two deceased combatants...but there is a chance that they may not be deceased..Hizbollah didn't claim either...maybe at least one of them is alive ..we'll know after the exchange is done ;)

  4. It sure doesn't show much for the negotiators skills.  This is really weak.

    I would even go so far as to say the captured Israeli soldiers would say keep him we will stay, yet for remains a lunatic goes free into a country that will let him be free.

    I can't speak for the sadness of the families of the dead that will be returned and I hope the fact a murderer goes free doesn't rob them of closure.

  5. Sami Kunter dashed a four-year-old girl's brains out against a rock. He is no hero of the Palestinian resistance movement. He's a dangerous psychopath. He should not have been released,nor should Nasrallah have requested that he be released. It is painful to criticize a man who has fought long and hard against the zionists and Maya has a point that although in the last three months alone more than 100 Palestinian children have been murdered by the IDF and their killers will never see justice,it still obtains that each case must be regarded individually. The fact that zionists are without compassion is irrelevant. Kuntar is a vicious killer. It was not worth it for two dead bodies.

    As to some of these postings,I thought it was obvious the question was intended primarily for Pals and their supporters.

    I thought it was obviously addressed to antizionists.

  6. I don't know who suggested him,but he should not have been acceptable to Hezbollah. Using Kuntar gives the impression his actions are condoned. I personally do not know any Palestinians who consider him a "hero"; this sounds like typical zionist blather.

  7. First of all, you have it wrong.  It is not the "Zionists," but the State of Israel that is releasing the cruel murderer of innocent Israeli civilians.

    Just to remind you:

    Samir Kuntar is serving four life sentences for heinous murders in Nahariya.  He and his cohorts landed in a rubber boat on a beach on April 22, 1979.

    These vile terrorists took twenty-eight-year old Danny Haran hostage along with his four-year-old daughter, Einat.  The mother, Smadar Haran, was able to hide in a crawl space above the bedroom with her two-year-old daughter Yael, and a neighbor.

    After taking the hostages, Kuntar and the other terrorists took Danny and Einat down to the beach, where a shootout with Israeli policemen and soldiers erupted.  Samir Kuntar shot the father, Danny, in the back at close range in front of his daughter; he then drowned him in the sea to ensure he was dead.

    Next, he smashed the four-year-old girl's head on beach rocks and crushed her skull with the butt of his rifle.

    It is a moral error to release such a vile murderer for any reason.

    It is a tactical error for Israel to bargain for dead bodies by offering such a despicable Arab murderer.

    And by the way, I notice that the asker has blocked all Jews from being able to respond.  That is likely to tilt the balance in favor of murderer, or at least that is what the asker is attempting to do.

    I presume that he will next block me, even though I am not Jewish.


  8. im embarrassed to say im the same nationality as kuntar.

    israel shouldnt have released him. in fact, they should have castrated him and fed him to a pack of wild pigeons.

    i would think hezbollah, for sake of their credibility, would want to deny any relation with the b*****d. but apparently not. i guess thats cuz they're led by a giant racoon with a hat?

    hot toddy - that is one g*y *** username. it really pisses me off.

  9. Not the Zionists; the Israeli government.

    Most Arabs consider this murderer a hero, so what is the problem you are having???

    You do not see us (Jews and Israelis) posting sarcastic comments and questions in the Ramadan section; so why do you post your hateful comments in the travel/Israel section?


  10. I am utterly appalled. This man brutally murdered a father and his four-year-old daughter and is directly responsible for the death of a third child. There are many Palestinians who have been imprisoned for years on purely political charges and notwithstanding my overall support for Hezbollah I must condemn this horrifying choice of a prisoner-release. I realize the IDF has also killed many Palestinian children but that has no bearing on this particular crime. It is an inexcusable act of horrifying cruelty and it is inexcusable that Nasrallah should select the malefactor for a prisoner-for-bodies swap. Notwithstanding the fact that IDF murderers are never brought to justice,it disgusts me to see a staunch supporter of the Palestinian resistance sink to the same level; in any event,there are many imprisoned Palestinians who deserve release and this vicious killer is not one of them.

    I condemn it utterly.

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