
What do you think of the report that the EU will force us to drive on the other side of the road by 2012?

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What do you think of the report that the EU will force us to drive on the other side of the road by 2012?




  1. The same thing I think about the Metric System

  2. It about time Maybe y'all can call it a sidewalk  But in 2012 , there be a place called the U K But don't think there be much left to worry about

  3. Most of Europe drives the same way we do so, why would they?

  4. I will refuse to do so. I dont care, they cant make me!! ,An d if I'm in a multi-car pile up, that'll teach them.

  5. It wont happen not by 2012 anyway

  6. And it is, of course, April 1st today.

  7. the EU wouldn't exist if we hadn't saved their asses twice, so they can go shove it

  8. It wont happen, the government wouldn't accept it because of the contempt the british public would give it

  9. It doesn't matter, because in 2012 the world ends anyway...or does it...

  10. Some idiots out there already do...

  11. Like most E.U reports they have been funded by the tax payer, produced by unelected officials,  so as to implement complete b ollocks , and infuriate the public.

  12. The EU is all about conforming

  13. It's not going to happen...

    It is not about contempt for for the EU or any of that cr*p.  It is quite simply about safety.  The entire country would probably have to undergo re-training for driving.  Road signs all over the country would have to be re-located (overnight practically), and the road system would suddenly prove to be astonishingly inefficient.  It is not as simple as just moving to the other side.  Not to mention traffic lights.

    It would be very dangerous for the first year to have X amount of millions of brand new drivers.

    It would cost the government billions of pounds and the only people who would benefit would be the insurance companies when they inevitably raise the policy prices.

  14. yeh, so can you elaborate on your source?

  15. Our land mass is not connected; the idea will not come to fruition. We once were told French was going to be the universal language, that didn't happen either.

  16. You go ahead and think that

  17. by then they can order British people to do anything!! because they!! 'not us' will own and run this country.

  18. depends what country you are in .

  19. they better not

  20. Don't think it would happen. It would cost trillions to move all street signs.

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