
What do you think of the rise of children born out of wedlock? Is it ever a good thing?

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Proud mommy I would always choose single motherhood over abortion. I am talking about women who deliberately get pregnant without knowing for sure if the father will be there.




  1. I think that children should be raised w/ both parents intact, it can be possible ofa recipe for disaster if it shouldn't happen, that's not to say that children of single parents don't turn out well or that children who grew up w/ both parents are always sane. I think it's beneficial for a child to know BOTH their mother & their father.

  2. It is never a good thing for a baby to be born into a non existent family. A baby needs it's Mother and Father.

  3. Time to bring back the shotgun marriage.

  4. i was born out of wedlock..

    my mother has no idea who my father is.

    i dont think i behaved any differently as a child then a child with a father did.

    i did the same stuff babies do...cry, eat sleep, p**p, pee,

    same things a toddler did...think everything revolved around me ( it still does) and ran around with my diaper off.

    same thing as a child does..went to school, made friends,

    same tihng a teen does...ended up with an attitude problem ( still have one) got int trouble sometimes ( nothing really bad)

    and now im an adult..ive had a few jobs...and whatever else.

    the only difference between then and now is that i have a severe attitude problem.

    the way i am and the way i have grown up..has nothing to do with me being born out of wedlock.

  5. It's never going to be a good thing.

    It's risking the existence of the most essential psychological need for a baby, mom and dad {:

  6. Only if one of the parents was abusive. Lets face it as much as people talk about the need for two parents that in no way guarantees a good family.

  7. Life is a good thing.

    Every child born deserves love and care. If those are present then the child will be all right.  There are some families that are so dysfunctional that the lives of the children there are horrendous.  A little planning beforehand and a lot of dedication after wards are what a child requires. A single parent can do that better than some two parent families. I don't just see the ideal as prevalent in reality.

    C. :)

  8. it takes a village & a father to raise a child.

  9. Would you rather I had an abortion? then you could call me a killer. my child is being raised with a mother who loves her. her dad left he is gone. OK i can accept that. I am not asking you for a handout so in other words M.Y.O.B

    And BTW I had TWO parents growing up BOTH abused each other. and me. BOTH were drinkers. BOTH were the worse parents ever I lived in FEAR of them. so how is that good for a child? just becasue you have 2 parents does NOT mean your have it made. at least my daughter will NOT live in FEAR of ME. the abuse stopped with me. I will NOT hurt my child EVER.

  10. I think there should be two parents for there sanity not the children's. Children are hard to care for! Also if children have two parents[not necessarily mother and father] They will get more attention that they need.

  11. If one parent is abusive (I don't mean arguing), it's a good idea to separate. That being said, I do believe MOST divorced couples give up too easily and rob children of a chance to flourish as better human beings.

  12. Generally speaking, there is more stability in a child's being raised by faithfully-married parents than in other scenarios. Since "good," in this case at least, is a relative thing, then it COULD be good but not normally AS GOOD.

  13. I am against it. Not for religious reasons, but common sense reasons. The family is the backbone of society and when it goes society follows. Mothers being there 24/7 during the first few years of life and the father their to support the mother creates something priceless, stable children.

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