
What do you think of the rise of islamonazisme in France?

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What do you think of the rise of islamonazisme in France?




  1. It is the result of the implementation of previous policies that do not understand cultures.

    Muslim workers are cheap, but they are proud of being Muslims and they have a lot of children. Also, European countries have invaded their lands in the past, in consequence they do not feel respect for Europeans.

    It express also French culture, very prod of Human Rights protection in other countries, but in home racism and intolerance is expressed.

  2. sad to see the French culture

    swamped by this invasion

    they wanted cheap labor and they ended up getting

    alot more then they bargained for

  3. Scary. 50% of all newborns in France are now muslim. Educated french youth are fleeing the country, and being replaced by uneducated immigrants who dont even speak french. For every french youth that stays and works, there are 5 who are unemployed. The french welfare system is being overloaded with immigrants.

  4. Probably as bad as the rise of Islam in France is my bet.

  5. Islamic migration to Europe puts whole Europe at risk. One day the Muslims will be a formidable political and economical force in Europe and will take over Europe from the infidels. The Muslims do not like the free European life style, they do not like the infidels and the cold climate. But they like our social security money. So close the door for Muslim migration and send back those who are already in Europe. We do not need enemies in our homes.

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