
What do you think of the rumor that Sarah Palin may have hidden her daughter's pregnancy and say it was hers?

by Guest34446  |  earlier

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there's a rumor going around that she may not be the baby's mother instead that her oldest daughter gave birth to him




  1. And what would You do as a mother? I can't fault Sarah for taking responsibility. That only shows that, if true, she is even stronger than before.

  2. 18 April 2008 (36 weeks) – 17 Dec 2007 = 18 weeks and 2 days pregnant. Sarah said, " my one and only son in Iraq".

    When you are 4 months pregnant, how can you say that you only have one son?

  3. that's not true. she annouced that she was pregnant a long time ago. she also got Prenatal test done. that's when she found out the baby had down syndrome. sheesh some people.  

  4. Of course she didn't lie about having a baby to cover up her daughter's pregnancy.  


    The Governor, a vocal anti-choice Republican, chose to return to Alaska to have her 5th child despite the following risk factors:

    1.  She was leaking amniotic fluid (her water broke) increasing the risk of infection.

    2.  She was 44 years old, a risky age for childbirth.

    3.  The baby she was carrying had known "special challenges" (down syndrome)

    4.  The child was one full month premature.

    5.  She flew from Texas to Alaska on a commercial airline (Alaska Airlines) while while leaking amniotic fluid, a 10 or more hour flight depending on the length and location of her layover.

    6.  She did not inform any of the airline staff of her condition.

    However, Gregg Erickson, a reporter from the Anchorage Daily News, told the Daily Kos that the rumors had been investigated and debunked.  

    So it appears that these behaviors are not those of a person faking/covering up a pregnancy but merely those of someone with terrible, terrible judgment.

  5. there's a roumor that your an idiot.

  6. It's a rumor.  Give me hard evidence.  

  7. Just another ignorant question from the left


    without it you are a waste of time

    thanks for the two points

  8. I think you libs need to find something better to do than attempt to spread more lies and hate.  She is a good person I know this is hard for you to believe since your own party seems to have such a shortage, (Clinton, Edwards, Kennedy, and of course J.F. Kennedy, oh and Robert, The former and present Governor of New York, the hopefully soon to be gone Mayor of Detroit,  such pillars of integrity.  Why is it you libs will try to destroy someone outside your party but see it as "None of our business" when it is someone in your own?  

    Get a life your B.S. candidate is the same old thing a tried and true socialist/communist who wants the government to control every aspect of your life and is finally getting the Real exposure he deserves.  The more people find out about Obama, The more people find out about Palin, The less I worry about This countries future.

    McCain/Palin 08

    Palin 2012 and 2016

    Ps. Sorry dems again the conservatives are ahead of you in real civic reform.  Sorry Ferraro counts but never stood a chance.  Boy I am sure Hillary is upset with Barry.

  9. Not only that, but I heard the father was a space alien from the Andromeda galaxy.  They are going to take over the world, you know.

    See, i can make up rumors too.

  10. Whats that have to do with Politics?

    People need to get out of these peoples personal lives and focus on their POLITICAL ideas.  

  11. I think it is a rumor much like the ones about Obama that have been going around for months.  If this were true about Palin and her daughter, it would have been all over the news by now.  This would have been checked out before McCain picked her for VP.

  12. Its typical of the Democrats to claim the high-road to sainthood, and then turn around and smear people.

    Get used to it...

  13. What I think is you are repeating evil lies. Your behavior here is disgusting, but is exactly what is to be expected from liberals like you in your desperation to defend the evil hatred for America represented by Obama who you worship.  

  14. More Liberal B.S.

  15. I haven't seen any credible evidence to suggest this is true.  I think its wrong to start such a rumor about a teenager with no credible proof.  A blog is not proof.

    Obama/Biden 08

  16. I think it is hysterical. One thing I've learned about Alaskans over the last few days is that they love their rumors... the more bizarre the better.

  17. I don't care about it... I do care about her lack of experience and I am very concerned about McCain's judgement for selecting her though.

  18. I think it's as good as any of the 2,000 rumors being manufactured by the Republican machine against, may the better mud throwers win, I guess.

    Or better yet............can I vote for the TRUTH to win in the end, or is that just SILLY?  

  19. I don't see Palin as a women who would use an elaborate plan to cover up a teenage pregnancy, I do see her as a women who after being told her child would have downs syndrome decided to have him and love him. Courage of her convictions.

  20. Doesn't sound likely. I'd pay it more attention if you would have cited better evidence than a blog.

  21. It wouldn't surprise me. I don't expect much from Palin anyway

  22. This is embarrassing that the best the dumbocrats can do is to attack a teenage girl.I guess anyone is a fair target.So much for the "progressive" party

    I guess Palin needs to have a website

  23. I don't care who the mother is,but that child did not need to be in that large crowd at his age.

    Poor child's ears probably were killing him.

    Shame on you Sarah!!!

  24. Who knows if it's true or not. Whenever a new face enters the media whether it's a singer, actor, basketball player or politician, the rumors are soon to follow. If it is true that the baby is her grandchild instead of her child, the extremely judgmental media is going to fry her alive. If it isn't true, whoever started the rumor oughtta be ashamed of themselves. Although I don't support Palin or McCain, she doesn't deserve this kind of negative attention.  

  25. Well, if we're going to resort to innuendo and gossip then yeah, why not?

    But do we really want to stoop to that level?  You know the 'Jerome Corsi' level?  Haven't we been trying to stop all that stuff with know all the smears that the right has put out on him?

  26. Its a rumor

    I hold no stock in it

    Obama all the way.


    Life is so simple, but we insist on making it complicated


    551 - 479 BC





  27. I don't know if this is true...but I do know that there are double standards when the rich and famous have the same problems as us average folks...they hire the family doctor, or they go to another country for 9 months.

  28. It is no rumor. It is fact.

    Palin's bloom is about to come off the rose.

    She will crack under the intense scrutiny.


  29. Oh yes, because teenagers often give birth to babies with Down's Syndrome. It's not like that is a birth defect that women and men over the age of 40 are known for being a high risk of. '

    The woman is 44 and is highly religious, why are you surprised that she had a kid? Don't attack her character and make general accusations against her honesty when there is no proof.  

  30. Just shows you the morals and ethics of Obama worshipers.

  31. you lib's will do anything to drag a person in the dirt. get over it Obama is going to lose and your silly stories that you all make up will just go away like yins do every 4 years!!

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