
What do you think of the song, "Rock Star" by Nickelback?

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is that their lamest song? if not, what song is the lamest from them?




  1. It makes me want to cry.

  2. Over-rated. It's catchy, but hear it more than 3 times and you want to smash the radio in, or at least I do.  

  3. They're all equally lame.

  4. I agree with most totally lame. Its amazing how some of the best artist will never make the charts but bands like NB keep making c**p music and good bands die out due to no money.... Sad.

  5. All of Nickelbacks songs are lame!  

  6. lame. ever1 knows them for their soft c**p like this. they should be more popular for their good music like side of a bullet or becuase of you or curb. the metal!!!! nickelback+metal=good. nickelback+pop= g*y

    METAL RIGHT THAR!!! metal ftw

  7. Aw, c**p, get me a towel, I barfed.

  8. Too overplayed

  9. They all suck.

  10. They all have the same amount of lame-ness.  

  11. I don't like it. I don't like the band in general.  

  12. overplayed...i find the parody of the celebrity lifestyle to be entertaining, but hearing it on the radio daily is way too much

  13. I think it sucks, like all other Nickleback songs.

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