
What do you think of the twilight cast?

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Do you think they picked good actors/actress look a like for the movie i read the books and some of the actors are good but some don't look like the characters what do you think




  1. Trust MagsyBogsy to answer

  2. i only really really like alice...she's my fav

  3. I think robert pattinson as edward cullen was a great choice.

    kristen stewart as bella swan is. mehh ok

    rosalie isn't fantastic

    jasper, alice, emmet and carlisle are also really good.

    i cant remember esme

    taylor lautner.... he looks better as himself. i hate how in the book jacob has long hair and resembles some sort of hobo

    and wtf. is with charlie. he has "a main role" in the movie. he's barely in the book/ series

  4. Rob/Edward - I absolutely love him. He's been my Edward from the first time I read Twilight, before a movie was even in the works. I was completely ecstatic when I found out that he was cast. I can't wait to see him in the movie.

    Kristen/Bella - Kristen is a great actress, and I think she fits the role of Bella really well. She seems a bit too pretty, though.

    Ashley/Alice - She is perfect for the role of Alice! She's exactly how I picture her.

    Jackson/Jasper - I had a hard time picturing Jasper when I read the books, but I think Jackson is great for the role.

    Nikki/Rosalie - In the books, Rosalie is described as the most beautiful girl in the world. Nikki is really pretty, but not how I pictured Rose. I think she'll be great, though.

    Kellan/Emmett - I love this guy! He's exactly how I pictured Emmett (just with curly hair). He seems like a total sweetheart.

    Elizabeth/Esme - She's perfect for the role. I'd been a fan of hers before she was announced as Esme, so I'm really excited.

    Peter/Carlisle - Exactly how I pictured Carlisle. He's gorgeous; just as he was described in the books.

    Taylor/Jacob - Not how I thought of Jake AT ALL. How is he going to transform into huge, tall Jake for New Moon? He's definitely not the right choice.

    Rachelle/Victoria - She's perfect. She looks just as Victoria is described.

    Cam/James - I really like him. I couldn't really picture James in the books, but that all changed when I saw Cam. he's great.

    Edi/Laurent - I'll admit that I was a bit confused when I first saw him. But now that I've seen more pictures and the trailers, I think he's a really good choice for the role.

    So, overall, I think the casting is great (with one or two little problems, but that's fine). In my opinion, Ashley/Alice is the best, with Rob/Edward a close second.

  5. I think that they made absolutely perfect choices for every single character. I must say though, that they outdid themselves with Edward and Alice. Alice is just...i can't even describe how perfect Ashley Greene is for Alice, she's like THE Alice, no one could be better.

    Robert Pattinson is my Edward 110%. When I first saw him, people had complained to me prior to it about how he's so ugly and he's not Edward blah blah blah. I went on Steph's website, looked at that picture (Which is definitely not his best, he looks pretty drunk :P) and said, I will stick up for him in any Twilight situation because that right there is my Edward. To be honest I hadn't pictured anyone in particular in my head as Edward, but when I saw Rob I'm like that's it, that's the incarnation of Edward Cullen :)

    Oh and I think Nikki is stunning for Rosalie, magnificent choice.

    And Kellan as Emmett...couldn't have made a better choice :)

    Kristen as Bella...not exactly how I pictured her, but when I saw her I'm like yeah, she'll do great things ;)

    Hope this helped :D

  6. I am totally convinced by them all now really except for Alice, she just doesn't seem petite or graceful enough..but im sure it will be a different story once I see the film.

    Oh and Charlie, ugh, so did not picture a moustace!

  7. I don't like who they have to play sam uley, edward and jacob.

    alice looks most like her character in my opinion.

  8. um well...

    robert patterson is good as edward (even though he dusent even come close to how amazing edward is - would any guy?)

    I kinda think bella is a bit too pretty, i mean shes better looking that rosalie in the movie (in my opinion,) when rosalie is meant to be the ultimate beauty!?

    um i think the best casting was Alice.  Exactly how i imagined her!

  9. Well, at first, I had a big problem with the casting.

    I loooooaaaathed Robert Pattinson. I thought he looked waaaayyy too old and just not...Edward-y enough. Then I saw some clips of his acting, and he (of course) won me over. Now, I think he's Edward incarnate. Mmmm.

    Bella/Kristen Stewart- I liked her at first. Now, I don't know. She doesn't look...vulnerable enough, I guess. And she needs to be paler, and less pretty. Ha.

    I have no substantial opinion on who they chose to play Jasper. I couldn't really picture Jasper in the books, but I think he'll do a good job.

    Ashley Greene seems to really fit into the role of Alice, though. I approve. lol.

    I do not like Nikki Reed all that much. I don't really know why. She's pretty, but she's not Beauty incarnate, which is what Rosalie is suppposed to be. I suppose that's asking a bit much, though. :)

    Emmett...supposed to have curly hair. other than that, I'm good. He's just as I pictured him!

    Billy Burke as Charlie. Ehhhh. I don't like that scruffy look. And isn't he supposed to be balding or something? >_<

    Now. As to Taylor Lautner/Jacob...mehhh. I do NOT like this actor, nad he's not who I pictured Jacob to be. He's looks a little...manufactured, I guess. Well, I suppose he fits into the whole 15-year old thing pretty well. I don't know how the heck he's gonna be the werewolfish, freakishly large Jacob, but that's not my problem.

    As for the rest of the cast, I have no real problems. I reeeaaaally like both Cam Gigandet as James and Rachelle Lefevre as Victoria, though. I think they'll both do fabulous jobs. They're just perfect for their roles!

    So, that's my opinion, which will probably change when I see the movie. NOVEMBER 21st!

    Oh! And I think either Cam/James or Ashley/Alice looks the most like their character.

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