
What do you think of the way players celebrate?

by  |  earlier

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When a player takes a wicket, or scores a hundred, there is all this hugging, kissing, and high-fiving going on.

It is the same in football when they score a goal: they all start to manhandle one another.

What's wrong with a firm handshake as a congratulation? After all, they're only doing what their paid for.

I wouldn't expect my work colleagues to start hugging and kissing me!




  1. i think its cool


  2. Mate! i'm sure you did more than a handshake when you were taking wickets/scoring runs in the Lancashire leagues! if not whats wrong with you?? as a fellow cricket player myself sometimes the emotion of the situation gets the better of me and if i hit a 100 sometimes i do go crazy!!

    I know for sure if i was playing for MY country and i helped MY country succeed i sure as h**l would be hugging everyone in sight!!

    I agree with footballers sometimes they overrcelbrate for the cameras to show that the team is "United" together

  3. dull cricket is rubbish

  4. you betcha...its wierd.

  5. Their choice, their life, they played and can celebrate any way they want. Get over it!

  6. i think it is good, shows emotion and how much the wicket means to them, why not celebrate  in a certain way :)

  7. You just get over come with emotion. Monty Panesar is a fine example, every time he takes a wicket, he jumps around like a lunatic, but only because he's proud of the fact he's playing for England!

    I'd much rather see the players actually enjoying their job, rather than seem arrogant and not bothered by it. You don't score a hundred every day.

  8. I think that energy & joy which flows through a sportsman after getting success just can't be controlled so thats a natural reaction generating passion among the players & their fans too.

  9. I love to see excitement - It means the passion is there however:

    Acting like a goose when you've got a tail ender out is a bit much

  10. I expect my work colleagues to hug and kiss me all the time - what's wrong with that? - is it wrong?

  11. come on buddy its no more gentleman game... then y not be funky in celebrations... i believe next time they should order some beer n champs for celebrations...

  12. I have nothing wrong with high fives but hugging is going a bit far. Can you imagine if one of the players comes out (as in is g*y) how they'd react then. It's all part of team bonding these days, you work hard together all year you're like a family, which is why they celebrate the way they do. A hand shake is a little too gentlemanly these days, times have changed.

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