
What do you think of these 3 poems?

by  |  earlier

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She claw, I Bite

She scream, I fight

She run, I walk

She laugh, I talk

We were buddies

We were friends

We were sisters

till the end

To bad it had to happen this way

But i knew it would happen

one day.

or this one

Being lost is like a bad dream

A bad dream is like reality

Reality is like being the universe

orr this one?

My stomach is empty

My jeans finally fit me

My friends are concerned

My mom doenst know

My mind is confused

can someone tell me what to do?

by the way i used to have an eating disorder but im ok now. thats wat the last poem is about.




  1. The first one I liked, it was different, and unusual!  Cheers!! Nice to hear you OK!!

  2. the first is my fave it is very good!

    the second im not so crazy about

    and the 3rd is very good as well


    -im glad that you have gotten better btw:]

  3. The first one needs grammar fixes unless you meant it too sound like that. Shouldn't there be an S on the end of the words?

    The second one is simple-I would make it four lines and just clean it up a bit:

    Being lost is like a bad dream

    A bad dream is like reality

    Reality like being lost

    In the universe

    My stomach is empty

    My jeans finally fit me

    My friends are concerned

    My mom doenst know

    My mind is confused

    can someone tell me what to do?

    I would change the last line, everything else is fine and clearly states what the poem is about

  4. Your first four lines should be pluralized... It makes more sense to pluralize the adverb when there is an action BEFORE the present tense!

    She claws, I Bite

    She screams, I fight

    She runs, I walk

    She laughs, I talk

    You misdirected and misspelled the word 'til. Till is a collection of money denominations within a cash drawer or safe. Reality is what is in front of you that your six senses can detect. I think you want the line to read:

    "Fantasy is like being the universe"

    The ending might need one more line to complete the though process...

    My stomach is empty

    My jeans finally fit me

    My friends are concerned

    My mom doenst know,

    My thoughts are too heavy

    My dad will commit me

    Tell me where should I turn

    Tell me where I should go?

    I love your brashness. It defines your work of being simple and complex at the same time! Keep it up!!  Grade  A -

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