
What do you think of these God segments? Do they make sense one at a time?

by  |  earlier

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The meeting with God

seemed to last for hours,

Outside of the reality,

It was a blink of the eye.

I wanted so badly to not be

enraptured by the moment,

But, as it turned out,

A moment was all I needed.





  1. Yep, gotta love

    those timeless magic moments.  

    Sometimes I wonder

    if in the second before you


    time goes sproiiiingggg

    and becomes infinite in your head.  

    Time is, after all,

    very elastic.  

    And fantastic.  

    And totally relative.  

    Especially when the relatives

    come over to visit.  

    Talk about time slowing down

    to a snail's pace

    in this case.  

  2. Yes they make sense one at a time. This one, however, I had to read over slowly. It seems to be going in a circle and I wanted to make sure I wasn't missing anything. I especially like the "Outside of reality" line. It threw me at first for I did not see the brilliance behind it.

    I was delighted greatly by this.  

  3. And yet I am compelled to hold on, each and every line becoming a mystery within a mystery, wearing masks behind masks. Meaning to be found...or a delectable conundrum. I am not sure; I quest anon.

  4. "Hi!",

    Short, brief and precise.

    nice piece of poetry.


    Cheers : )

  5. I read it as a Trigee. I am not good at S2 in Trigees, but this seems to work for me.

  6. This one does. There is eternity in each moment.  

  7. Would it make sense as riddled?

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