
What do you think of these boy names? ?

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Sebastian Antonio York

Braxton Xavier York




  1. i like Braxton, not the Sebastian name.

    or try

    Braxton Antonio York- that name sounds important.

  2. I like them both. I also think the name Victor would go well with the last name and one of the middle names.

  3.        Hola.......

            I like Sebastian Xavier York  

                                             ooh   ooh... i like your earrings ..  


  4. like the first one

  5. I like Sebastian better than Braxton.  I think of Tony Braxton the singer and there are too many 'x's then. Go with Sebastian Antonio :)

  6. they sound a bit, umm, pretentious

    the only name I like is Sebastian, sorry

  7. I like all of them except Braxton.....I also like the combo Xavier Antonio

  8. I like Sebastian Antonio York.  

  9. I like the name Sebastian, but not with Antonio..

    Maybe Sebastian Xavier York is better.

    Braxton makes me think of Braxton-Hicks contractions.

  10. i like them they are very unique. have you ever thought of swaping the middle names ex. sebastian xavier and braxton antonio. good luck  

  11. Xavier is cute.. I don't like the other two.

  12. Braxton Xavier York x x x

  13. Xavier is cool, u dont want him to sound like  a latin soap star though.

  14. i like braxton  

  15. Braxton cool!!

  16. Sebastian is the only decent

  17. They are both nice names. I think Sebastian Xavier York sounds the best!

  18. I like Braxton Xavier York!!!

    Not crazy about Sebastian Antonio York!!!

  19. The second name..I Like the boy name Aiden too.

  20. there interesting...but they sound awesome

  21. Braxton is best.

  22. I love Sebastian Antonio York.  Both names are classic, and I love that they're not the usual all-two-syllable boy name combos we hear so often (like Jacob Matthew, Ryan Andrew, Aidan Connor, and such).  Sebastian Antonio flows really well.

    I'm not fond of Braxton -- it makes me think of Braxton-Hicks contractions.  Xavier is a good middle name, but I think you'd need to find another first name for it.  Just don't pair it with Sebastian, or your son's initials would be SXY (which looks a bit too s**y for a little boy).

  23. Firstly, I love the surname! Also, I love the name Antonio, and I like the name Sebastian. You have a great combination of names! I really like the name Braxton, and I love the name Xavier. The only thing is, I'm not certain as to how you'd like the name Xavier to be pronounced because there are two ways of pronouncing it and a lot of people mispronounce it. So, here are the pronunciations: 'ZAYV-yer' or 'GZAHV-yeh.' The first pronunciation is the one that's really used, and is definitely the better of the two, if you ask me. Therefore, if you'd like a cool spin on a classic name that not nearly as many people would mispronounce, I'd go with the name Zavier! Again, great job! I really hope I assisted you. :]

  24. I heard Braxton for the first time in the dr. office the other day, and I thought it sounded really cool.

  25. Braxton Xavier York

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