
What do you think of these combos for twins' babies?

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We don’t want to know the s*x so far we have

Boy & Boy: Ernesto William and Fidel Roderick

Boy & Girl: (Ernesto or Fidel) Roderic and Reina Clementine

Girl & Girl: Reina Clementine and Nerea Doireann

(Ernesto honoring Ernesto Guevara De La Serna and Fidel honoring Fidel Castro)

(don’t start with we Castro why Guevera and things like this…I want to honor Fidel and Che because I AM COMMUNIST)




  1. why don't you just name a baby Castro?!!.. i think  it's alot better then Fidel, and you're still honoring him......and i like Reina ALOT, William is nice, and Dorieann is cute too!~...

  2. Well thats a nice reason to give your kids a certain name!!

    i really like Reina Clementine (sounds pretty!!) but not Nerea Doireann as much!!

    so i prefer the boy & girl mix!!

  3. Honoring communists is fine... if you live in a communist country.  If not, then you will be setting your children up for future difficulties later because of the images associated with their names.

  4. I think Reina and Nerea are sort of too similar. They sound like anagrams in a way.

    Reina Clementine is a nice name - I'm not crazy and Nerea Doireann - how about Nora Dorienne or something?  

  5. I hate the girls' names. They should be shorter and sweeter.

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