
What do you think of these comments by a Hillary supporter?

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I spoke to a friend of mine who was an ardent Hillary supporter and here is what she said about voting for Palin:

"She is a self-loathing w***e"

and as far as voting for McCain because of Palin:

"Its like saying you want to go to h**l because the devil handed you a flower."




  1. Self-loathing w***e sounds like a bit of bitterness. I completely agree with the last one though. Saying you want to vote for McCain because he has a female VP (suggesting he may be for women's rights) is the dumbest thing anyone could say. She isn't even for women's rights, and we already know that McCain isn't. I know that not every woman is pro-choice, but to be against abortion even in cases of rape and incest is just not right.  

  2. Smart friend. Graphic, but smart.  

  3. Your friend needs to get laid.

  4. Makes sense to me.

  5. Funny and true.  Like the woman interviewed on CNN who said the Republicans must think Hillary is a Lego block, but you cant replace a red one with a blue one.

  6. Your friend has a dirty mouth and mind. if all Hilliary's fans think that than it is good she did not get the nomination.

  7. She's obviously an extreme leftist Kool-Aid drinker!  By the way, there is a lot more to women's rights than her government sanctioned ability to terminate a developing embryo inside of her womb!  Try looking at the big picture and considering many issues instead!

  8. I say your friend is a smart person. Palin is an idiot! McCain is an idiot for picking her.  

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