
What do you think of these names I've picked out?

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I always like to mix together names, and I'd like to know what you think of them. Please rate!


Avery Lynn

Hadley Amanda

Madelyn Makenzie

Lillian Rose

Alexa Allison

Karaline Marie (Karlie for short)

Addison Natalee

Layla (or Layna) Melanie

Eliza Carrie

Valerie Olyseea

Nikky Loraine


Mason Alexander

Jackson James

Evan Tyler

Zachary Cameron

Isaac Timothy

Eric Samuel




  1. Avery Lynn

    Mason Alexander

    are my favs

  2. Avery Lynn-I don't like unisex names, but this is OK

    Hadley Amanda-OK

    Madelyn Makenzie-hate Makenzie but as a middle name I could live with it

    Lillian Rose-beautiful

    Alexa Allison-good names but not right together

    Karaline Marie-OK

    Addison Natalee-Hate Addison and Natalee is spelled all wrong

    Layla Melanie-Never Layna.  Good names but not together

    Eliza Carrie-good names but not together.  I really like Eliza-that's unique

    Valerie Olyseea-Valerie is a great name but Olyseaa-YUCK

    Nikky Loraine-cute

    Mason Alexander-very nice

    Jackson James-distinguished

    Evan Tyler-trendy

    Zachery Cameron-good names but not together

    Isaac Timothy-good names but not together

    Eric Samuel-excellent, my fav on your list.

  3. I like Karlie Marie, and Isaac Timothy.

  4. Valerie Olyssea and Mason Alexander. My favorites of your list! Several names on your list are really good, I like them alot.  

  5. All are super cute. I really like Mason and Jackson. Also, Layla and Lillian (Lily)

  6. Best sounding:

    Avery Lynn

    Nikky Loraine

    Valerie Olyseea

    Eric Samuel

    Mason Alexander

    Evan Tyler

    My favorite names alone:






    I don't really like how Alexa Allison and Isaac Timothy sound together. Try mixing them up and see if you can find some other combinations!

  7. For girls I really like Avery- thats really cute. I also like Layla and Valerie.

    For boys- I like Mason and Eric.

    but that's just me, go with the one that you really love. Your the one that matters when it comes down to it.

  8. Girls:

    Avery Lynn - very cute, very modern - my favorite girls name on the list

    Hadley Amanda - not sure the the middle name goes

    Madelyn Makenzie - two similar "M" names together not a good idea

    Lillian Rose - cute, but not my fave

    Alexa Allison - not as bad as the double "M" names, but not fond of it

    Karaline Marie (Karlie for short) - cute and unique

    Addison Natalee - Love both these names!

    Layla (or Layna) Melanie - Cute. I think I like Layna better!

    Eliza Carrie - old, and I don't care for them.

    Valerie Olyseea - Not sure about this, middle name is very odd.

    Nikky Loraine - Nikky is so 80's! and Loraine is even older...


    Mason Alexander - cute!

    Jackson James - cute too!

    Evan Tyler - love it, adorable! My fave boys name on the list!

    Zachary Cameron - cute as well.

    Isaac Timothy - not feelin' it.

    Eric Samuel - boring, very boring...

  9. Lillian Rose

    Alexa Allison

  10. Alexa Allison


    Zachary Cameron

  11. i love the name Lillian Rose. and from the boys names i like Eric Samuel

  12. Avery Lynn-5

    Hadley Amanda-6

    Madelyn Makenzie-4

    Lillian Rose-3 too common

    Alexa Allison-4

    Karaline Marie (Karlie for short)-5

    Addison Natalee-7

    Layla (or Layna) Melanie-5

    Eliza Carrie-0

    Valerie Olyseea-1

    Nikky Loraine-3


    Mason Alexander-4

    Jackson James-5

    Evan Tyler-5

    Zachary Cameron-7

    Isaac Timothy-4

    Eric Samuel-2

    all out of 10.

  13. I think that those are all really pretty names! But have you ever thought about Anna Camille as one of the girls names? Because I also think that's a pretty name

  14. Good Job!!!!!! I love all of them especially Mason Alexander.  

  15. All is a match! You are good!

  16. My favorites:

    Madelyn Makenzie- love the M&M vibe, rolls of the tongue, two beautiful names, love the spelling

    Lillian Rose- simple and elegant

    Mason Alexander- I loveee the name Mason, and coupled with Alexander it makes me picture strength and royalty, i love it


    I like Addison/Layla but I don't know if the second name fits with the first

    I like Cameron, but I don't know how I feel about Zachary

  17. They are all very good names

    My favorites are

    Avery Lynn

    Madelyn Makenzie

    Lillian Rose

    Jackson James


    Eric Samuel


  18. I think they're adorable names, and i think it makes the name more special when you mix two names together, because you can use names that mean alot to you like family names etc.  

    Its a bit like in Harry Potter & the Deathly Hallows,  Harry mixed up his kids names.

    ^ Sorry if no-one has read the book and that spoiled it.

  19. I love Avery Lynn, Karlie Marie, and Addison Natalee for the girlies!

    For the little guys, I love Mason Alexander and Zachary Cameron.

    Good Luck=)

  20. I'm not sure about Alexa Allison because they begin with the same letter. Also, it depends on your surname.

    But the rest are great

    well done

    you are really imaginative

  21. I love Avery Lynn and Mason Alexander. Very cute names!  

  22. I love Lillian Rose!  That is what I'm thinking of naming mine, if I have a girl.

  23. I really like Avery Lynn and Mason Alexander

  24. I like Nikky Loraine

    Eric Samuel

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