
What do you think of these names for baby boys?

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I'm sorry, this is going to be rather long, so please, bear with me! Also, keep in mind that the last name will be Martin!

So, my fiancee and I were talking about it last night, and realized we don't have two names for baby boys, if we ever have two baby boys. If we only have one, he will be Noah Zaccheus, which is after both of our grandfathers. We are both the type that likes to think ahead and be prepared, so this is why we're thinking of future name possibilities now. We have also decided to not find out the s*x of any of our children before they arrive. We have also decided we want no more than two children. So, if a little boy arrives first, his name will be Noah Zaccheus. If a little girl arrives first, her name will be Rylie Jennifer. However, in the scenario that we have one little boy first, Noah Zaccheus, and then end up having another little boy, we're stuck! We want to name our children after family members, and the only other family member (other than our grandfathers) that we want to name our children after is Jennifer, my sister. So, if two little boys come along, do you think Jensen is a bad middle name? Do you like it or no? We were thinking these names to go along with Jensen:

Cole Jensen Martin

Evan Jensen Martin

Ryder Jensen Martin

Alden Jensen Martin

Connor Jensen Martin

Hunter Jensen Martin

Gavin Jensen Martin

Also, can you think of any other boy's middle names that are based off of the girls name Jennifer? We're not very sure that we like Jensen... But, I would like the "Jen" sound to stay. Also, any other first names to go with Jensen are appreciated. Not weird, odd, foreign names. We like American, unique, but not wayyyy out there names!

Thanks so much for your time and help!




  1. Dexter Jansen Martin

  2. I like Cole and  Ryder the best.

    Jentry is an alternative but I like Jensen or Jenson.

  3. I like Cole Jensen Martin the best! But all the names on your list are nice, so you can't go wrong with any.

    other male "Jennifer" ideas-



  4. I like the name Jensen as a middle or first name.

    I can't think of any Jen sounding names that are american.

    There's Jennison and Jenner (English)

    Jent, Jenkin and Jenx (Hebrew)

    or Jenoah (which i believe is greek)

    Personally i think you should stick with Jensen or Jenson as a middle name.

    And Cole, Evan, Ryder, Connor and Wyatt are awesome first names!!

  5. wyatt jensen martin is my favorite =)

  6. Well, I am sold on Ryder Jensen Martin!  I love the sound of it!  

  7. My sister married a guy with the last name Jensen.  Their son's first name is Cole.  So, it caught my intention when you listed Cole Jensen as that is my nephew's first and last name.

  8. I like all of your names, but my fave is Conner Jensen Martin!!!

  9. I think Jensen is fine for a middle name. I like Evan Jensen Martin the best.

  10. First off, love Noah Zaccheus and Rylie Jennifer!

    Cole Jensen Martin, Alden Jensen Martin, and Wyatt Jensen Martin are my favorites.

  11. from the list of names i like Connor Jensen Martin and i think that Jenson isn't a bad middle name but i found this site with some others. with Jen in.

    but i think you got the best of the pick with Jenson.

    (my name is jennifer, i just wanted to let you all know)

  12. I like Cole, cuz that's my son's name! And I think Jenson is cute.

    Maybe Jenner? IDK

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