
What do you think of these names for girls?

by Guest56402  |  earlier

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Gretta April

Grace Elizabeth

Gianna (Gee- anna) Claire





  1. I hate the names Gianna and Gretta and I like the name Grace, but

    1st - Gianna Claire

    2nd - Grace Elizabeth

    3rd - Gretta April

    Thanks for my opinion!

  2. I think that Gretta is an ugly name. But i love April and Gianna.

    Why name try Gianna April because i think that is wonderfully pretty.

    Grace and Elizabeth are just too old. But if you wanna use one of those do Gianna Elizabeth or GIanna Grace. They are both really nice.

  3. Gretta April- Hmmmm, sounds too harsh, unattractive*

    Grace Elizabeth- Not bad, but the two names don't sound good together, a little too long ***

    Gianna (Gee- anna) Claire- Sounds pretty, short, simple, and it flows well *****

    Hope I helped

  4. Grace Elizabeth is my favorite.

  5. i absolutely love the name gianna claire but how about pronouncing it (gee-ana or this is the same way i just said gee-ah-na)

    i also love the name grace elizabeth

  6. Gianna Claire is my favorite

    Grace Elizabeth is classic, can never go wrong with an classic

  7. I think you should reverse the order. For example April Gretta and April Elizabeth Grace or Elizabeth Claire sound great.

  8. I really like Gretta and it would sound nice with any of the middle names you have chosen.

  9. I like Gianna Claire the most.  I think Gianna isn't a common name.  I think it's a pretty name.

  10. CUTE! i love all of them!

    how did u come up with them?

    tell me what one u choose!!!

  11. i like grace elizabeth the best. and i really like if you did gianna elizabeth.

  12. Grace Elizabeth

  13. I acualy like Grace Clair,so if you to put them together that would be a beautiful name!!:].

  14. I think Gianna Claire is an amazing name, as i have never heard a name like that before!

    I can imagine a beautiful brown haired girl called Gianna Claire!

    Go for it definitely!


  15. My middle name is Elizabeth and I DETEST it.  It's SO COMMON.  I feel the same way about April.

    I think Gretta is beautiful, and I like Gianna (but I think it's even prettiest pronounced Gee-ann-ahh.  Didn't know if that's what you meant)

  16. gretta april_ok

    grace elizabeth_pretty

    Gianna Claire_ok

  17. all the above

  18. I like Greta with one t. That  way it doesn't look so packed with letters that aren't needed. April is a beautiful middle name for Greta, so is Rose. April isn't something you hear alot anymore, so I say whether you pick Greta of Grace or Gianna go with the middle name April.

    Grace is also so pretty. It may be a little overused but it's a lovely name and I say whatever floats your boat. Once again use April as the middle name, because I think that's just beautiful! Elisabeth with an S would be alright too.

    Gianna is a little confusing with the way you say it. Unless it's pronounced Gee-Anna like you say in the question, I like the spelling! Although in the edit it says Gee Ah Nuh is the way to pronounce it. If that is what you mean, change the spelling to Giana.

    Wonderful names overall!

  19. all are very pretty! but my favorite is Gianna Claire. I haven't heard Gianna in a while, but I've always though it was a beautiful Italian name!

    Grace and Gretta are pretty popular, Gianna stands out

  20. I don't really care for Gretta.  I love Grace Elizabeth.  Gianna Claire is nice, too.

  21. Gretta is HORRIBLE

    Grace is LUSH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Gianna is lovelyxxxooo

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