
What do you think of these names for my baby :]?

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I recentely found out I am pregnant but we are not sure if it is a boy or girl yet. So far I have thought of these names and I'd like opinions if they sound like good names and possibly suggestions, but for sure if its a boy then the middle name will be Martin (pronounced Marteen).

For a boy:

Adan Martin Chavez

Angel Martin Chavez

For a girl:

Adelina Marisol Chavez

Alma Mercedes Chavez




  1. Adan martin chavez

    Aliyah Marcel Chevez

    Good luck on your search

  2. If pronounced with a Hispanic accent

    Angel Martin Chavez & Adelina Marisol Chavez

    are beautiful names.

  3. Adan Martin Chavez

    Adelina Marisol Chavez

    And I know a guy who's name (well half of it) is Angel, and he hates it. He won't let anyone call him that, or else he gets pissed.

  4. i once knew a guy named angel. please dont call ur bubba that!!!!  he got tease n bully at school something fierce. he become depressed n suicidal!!!! he change his name legelly at 18.

    lovin marisol angel chavez for a girl n adan martin chavez for a boy!!!!!!

  5. i love adan martin for the boy

    and ABSOLUTELY LOVE adelina marisol its soo sweet

  6. Adan and Adelina - good luck and congrats!!

  7. The only names I like are Adelina [nickname of Addie]

    and Mercedes.

  8. I personally prefer Adan spelt Aidan or Aiden, Angel is in my opinion a girls name more than a boys and I wouldn't use this.

    Adelina is a beautiful name and has a great sound to it. It is also very pretty on the eye. Alma sounds a bit old fashioned and isn't my most favorite name.

    Hope I help :)

  9. angel martin chavez

    alma mercedes chavez

    love your choices

    congrats on your baby


  10. I love the name Adan Martin

  11. Thats cool.


    Austin Martin Chavez

    Zack Martin Chavez

    Cody Martin Chavez

    King Martin Chavez


    Rose Eagle Chavez

    Angelina Maybell Chavez

    Marisol Rose Chavez

    Daisy Summer Chavez

    Clara Angelina Chavez

    Those are the best I can come up with.

  12. Adan Martin Chavez

    Adelina Marisol Chavez

    please don't name your boy angel i'm sorry.....................

  13. They all sound pretty good, except that I have to agree with everyone else about "Angel." I always disliked that name for a boy. It's probably just a cultural thing, but I think it would sound better on a girl.

    If you really like it though, go for it; or you could search for another name that either sounds sort of like angel or means sort of the same thing.

  14. Adan for a boy don't like you girl choices. sorry

  15. Those names aren't good .

  16. adelina is good.

  17. Adan is ok. Angel is so bad ! sorry but really that poor kid.

    the girls names a nice.

  18. Adan Martin Chavez- Adan is nice for a boy but quite popular

    Angel Martin Chavez- Angel for a boy? No way!

    Adelina Marisol Chavez- Adelina- Love it!!!

    Alma Mercedes Chavez-'s ok. sounds old fashioned to me

  19. NO angel. why would u do that to a child?

    ADAN is nice

    adelina is pretty

    Just curious if you live in U.S. it seems hard enough for children to be accepted without very ethnic names. I'm not by any means suggesting John or Sue--just think about your childs well being and confidence.

    Congratulations on the joyous occasion!!!

  20. I love Adelina Marisol - I think it's absolutely beautiful.

    For the boys I like Adan better (although I'm not so sold on the spelled - unless you're pronouncing it ah-dan - I like Aidan better because it looks more balanced).  The pronunciation of Martin is interesting for sure, but I think it's rather nice.

    Angel, however, is a little too feminine (especially when paired with Marteen) for a little boy.  It's a little cheesy.  It's a little unconventional for a girl, but for a boy I could see it being a real headache.

  21. I like Adan for a boy, it's cute.  Angel is more of a female name in my mind.  I wouldn't want your baby boy to get made fun of. But!!! If it's a girl I love Adelina!  Alma seems too olden style.

  22. For The Boy I Like:

    Zack Martin Chavez


    For The Girl:

    Alma Merceded Chavez

    & Congrats On The Baby.

    Good Luck!

  23. Adan Martin and Adelina Marisol.

  24. Adan yes Angel no. I like both girls. My friend said she may name her little girl Tequila Rose which is kinda cute. Good luck and Congrats

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