
What do you think of these names.. just curious, no biggie..?

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I'm not pregnant but am just curious.. My husband and I have been throwing around the idea of naming our next daughter Serendipity Aurora

or our son Wolfgang Amadeus. Most people think us pretentious but we don't like "normal" names. We named our first born daughter Humility and we've had some interesting responses from that.. hah!




  1. um i like aurora but i really dont like serendipity

  2. Wow that is very different, but interesting. I like Serendipity Aurora : )

  3. your poor kids..

  4. serendipity...i dont know about that one it may cause kids to poke fun at her and wolfgang is very strong and masculine good choice though and good luck!

  5. like the name serendipity

    but wolfgang is just plain weird

  6. I generally don't care for naming your children after nouns that reflect human qualities.... ex...Temperance, Patience, Prudence...etc... It almost puts a label or expectation on the child. I do like Aurora... I'm not crazy about taking Mozart's entire name... Maybe just Amadeus.. Wolfgang is more common then you may think...

    I'm all for creativity and individuality though! Don't get me wrong.. It's time we give up names like "Sarah, Micheal, James... etc" I mean, look at me... I got stuck with Molly Helen...

    I don't plan on having children of my own... but I think everyone at some point thinks about names...

    I came up with

    Lillith Paisley

    Juno Nouvelle (Yes from the movie and Angelina Jolie's child..)

    Aaiden Montague


    Rowan Joss

  7. How about Charity or Hunny for the girl

    I like the nickname Wolfy

  8. I don't like Serendipity so much (just a suggestion but, you could call her Sarah for short), but I like Aurora.

    Wolfgang Amadeus is adorable.

  9. they are very different names.

    i feel sorry for your future kids .they are going to no how to

    spell their names.they are very long.

  10. I like Serendipity and Wolfgang.

    You guys must like music? Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart

    and also..eddie van halen of Vanhalen named his son Wolfgang.

    GO FOR IT!

  11. I oddly like Serendipity... I don't know why.

  12. Very different, but that's not a bad thing, if more people named there kids unique names, people wouldn't consider some names "weird". And kids wouldn't be made fun of. There are too many Lauren's and Katelyn's in the world.

  13. I think your names are very different and unique, and I like them, the name should be different and unique because your children are just that, special, unique and one of a kind! Good for you, if other people don't like your names, too bad, they will be your children's names not theirs!  

  14. You must be joking.

  15. No.

    I'm sorry but no, a child would be laughed at wouldn't they

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