
What do you think of these names..?

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I am not pregnant as I am only 13 but I love picking out names.I want 3 girls and 1 boy.What do you think of these names

Fallon Brielle

Delaney Noelle

Kaliyah Skye

Camden Noah




  1. Fallon Brielle -I like Brielle but not Fallon

    Delaney Noelle-Delaney is cool , Noelle is gross

    Kaliyah Skye -Cute name -)

    Camden Noah-I like Carson Noah Better

  2. I like Delaney Noelle and Camden Noah and maybe Kaliyah Skye but not Fallon Brielle

  3. Delaney & Kaliyah

  4. whoa you are way to young not only to be thinking about names but about babies. anyways you will want to pick out names with the baby's father. so hold your horses and just enjoy being a kid.

  5. I like all of them they're really cool!

  6. Don't worry.....every girl thinks about baby names way before they are ready to have kids. = )

    I actually used one of the ones I had chosen when I was about your age. I had chosen Aaron Mitchell for a boy and named my 1st Mitchell Harrison.

    I like Fallon. Brielle is ok, but the two don't flow.

    LOVE Delaney. don't like Noelle

    I am not fond of Kaliyah or Skye

    Love both Camden & Noah, but since there is an N at the end of the 1st name and an N at the beginning of the middle, it doesn't flow very well.

    Since you are obviously just thinking of names right now & I see you like more unusual names, I will list names we thought of (or have already used) and maybe it will give you some other ideas that you may like:

    Boys -

    Bishop Caine

    Grant Lawson

    Elliot Pierce

    Lincoln Reid

    Saxon Ridge

    Girls -

    Salem Kaine

    Rellah Marie

    Sora Masen

    Kendis Laine

    Larken Sinclaire

    We are having a gilr and naming her      Salem Kaine.

    HAVE FUN!!!

    = )

  7. I like Delany, sorry if i spelled it wrong

  8. It's a good thing your not "pg"....because they suck suck suck and suck.

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