
What do you think of these names? [quads]

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having quads.. we chose not to know the s*x.. these are the names we are down too..

kastan jones ardinetti

derek blake ardinetti

adam cole ardinetti

dean marshall ardinetti


kasey madison ardinetti

lorelai jade ardinetti

lena (lay-nuh) marie ardinetti

jessie taylor ardinetti

what are your favorites?




  1. I have never heard anyone suggest eliminating middle names before and TWO people just did.  Why would you want to eliminate middle names? just because there is 4 kids? If anything that's more reason to have middle names, the kids will then each have something else that is just theirs.

    My favorite name from your list is Lena Marie. Though I would have thought it said Lee-nuh, not Lay-nuh. either way its really nice.

    I think Jessie should be Jessica Taylor, nicknamed Jessie.  My little sister Jessica used to always be called Jessie, now she is getting a little older, thinking about resumes and starting highschool and she likes to go by Jessica now. I think it's important to give kids that option  when what you want to call them is a common nickname. e.g her best friends name is Abbey and she is constantly telling people that he name is not Abigail. I heard her saying recently that she wished she didn't have to put Abbey on her resume.  She is a very smart girl, who appears to me to be heading to great places, yet she is already concerned about her name holding her back.

    anyways sorry for all that. Kasey Madison is nice, I don't like Lorelei.

    I'm not the biggest fan of your boys choices. Dean is nice, but I don't like it with Marshall.

    Dean Adam

    Adam Dean.

    (I'm not suggested both of those, just one or the other)





    (+ middle names :P) for four boys.  

  2. Lena = Lee-na, NOT Lay-nuh.  E does not make the ay sound.

    Spell it Layna or Laina

    Lena (pronounced correcly)or Layna/Laina both sound nice with Marie and your  last  name.

    Kasten doesn't really fit in with these other names, its too different.

    I would go with Jessica Taylor, then just use Jessie for the nickname.

    The rest of the names are very nice.

  3. I love all of the boys names. But my favorites are Kastan Jones and Dean Marshall. I like how you used uncommon names and I like how each kids will have their own name, you know instead of them all starting with the same letter etc.

    And for the girls I like them all except Jessie Taylor. It does sound kind of masculine. It would be better if the name had a more girly middle name instead of a unisex middlename. Like, Jessie Anne or Jessie Rose. But my favorite is definatley Lorelai Jade, it's such a pretty name. And my second favorite is either Kasey Madison or Lena Maria.

    hope I helped!

  4. i only like kasey . .

    My Fav names are Jamie for a boy and isabelle for a girl or chloe

  5. Lorelai Jade is beautiful! That's definitely my favorite. Adam Cole is my favorite out of your boy's names. Derek Blake, Dean Marshall, and Kasey Madison are all nice as well.

    Kastan Jones: I don't really like the name Kastan, it seems out of place with your other boy's names somehow... Plus, Jones sounds more like a last name to me.

    Lena Marie: The only word of caution I have is that people are probably not going to pronounce Lena correctly on the first try. They will probably either pronounce it Lee-nuh or Leh-nuh. What about Leyna? I like Lena better but for the pronunciation you're going for Leyna will definitely lessen the chance of mispronunciations.

    Jessie Taylor: I don't really like Jessie as a first name for a girl? It seems a bit too nickname-y, like it should be short for Jessica or something.

    Congrats and good luck!

  6. I like Adam, cole and Dean Marshall but Derek sounds like an old man and Kastan is a bit odd. Lorelai Jade is really cute, Lena Is gorgeous but I'm not sure about Kasey and Jessie sounds like an old woman. but hey at least they're original. Do they all have to have middle names. I have only one name. Its just Alison. I also didn't give my son a middle name. I don't really see the point in having a middle name because no one ever uses it. Good Luck with the quads!

  7. I like Adam Cole and Lorelai Jade.

  8. I like Dean and Blake

  9. I love Kasey Madison,Jessie Taylor,Derek Blake, and Adam Cole!

    They are great names!

  10. I'd use

    Hannah Lee

    Rachel Eve

    Sarah Grace

    Leah Rose


    Alexis Anne

    Isabella Jade

    Olivia Marie

    Sophia Rose

  11. Kastan Jones- change Jones to Jay

    Derek Blake- Derek Tyler instead?

    Adam Cole- Adyn Cole instead?

    Dean Marshall- how about Dakota Mitchell?

    Kasey Madison- Kacie Madelyn instead?

    Lorelai Jade- Laurel Jayde insead?

    Lena Marie- Lena Michelle

    Jessie Taylor- Jessalyn Taylor (nickname Jessie)

    I know I switched these up a bit, but I hope you'll like them. Wow, I really like the name Kastan. That's so cool!

  12. I like...

    Blake Derek


    Cole Adam


    Madison Jade


    Taylor Marie



    Blake Derek

    Cole Adam

    Jack Joseph

    Brooke Taylor


    Madison Jade

    Taylor Marie

    Jesse Lena

    Cole Adam


    Cole Adam

    Blake Derek

    Madison Jade

    Taylor Marie


    Cole Adam

    Blake Derek

    Jack Joseph

    Ty Jones


    Madison Jade

    Taylor Marie

    Brooke Kasey

    Jessie Lena


    good luck


  13. kastan jones ardinetti-its okay.very unique

    derek blake ardinetti-I like it better Blake Derek

    adam cole ardinetti-Love it!!

    dean marshall ardinetti-Sounds very Meaty or actory

    kasey madison ardinetti-Love it !! very cute !!

    lorelai jade ardinetti-Im not a fan Of Loralei But if you are using it good middle name

    lena (lay-nuh) marie ardinetti-very cute

    jessie taylor ardinetti-sounds kinda masculine

  14. Personally I like-

    Adam Cole and Derek Blake

    for boys

    For girls I like-

    Kasey Madison and Lena Marie

  15. i like Lena Marie and Jessie Taylor for girls

    Adam Cole and Dean Marshall are my favorite for boys

  16. Adam Cole


    Kasey Madison


  17. Lorelai Jade!! Lorelai is one of my favorites, and I also like Kasey Madison.

    Boys: I really don't care for any of them. I like the names Cole and Blake. Maybe try Blake Marshall Ardinetti.

  18. I would eliminate middle names for starters.  I would not begin the names with the same letter - too tongue twisting.  Life is too confusing enough.  

    Does someone really need a middle name?  I do not feel deprived without one.

  19. i love all of them, great combos! EXCEPT Kastan. not a fan of that one. all the others are winners

  20. my favorites:

    derek blake

    adam cole

    kasey madison

    lena marie

    i'm sorry but i can't stand dean marshall or lorelai jade.  kastan jones and jessie taylor are alright. the favorites that i picked though, i absolutely love. they're unique, but not odd.  well, congratulations and good luck!

  21. my favorites are

    derek blake

    adam cold

    lena marie

    jessie taylor.

  22. Everett Brett Ardinetti

    Mario Andre Ardinetti

    Hunter Blake Ardinetti

    Evan Cole Ardinetti

    Odette Ivonne Ardinetti

    Charlotte Marie Ardinetti

    Dimitria Morrigan Ardinetti

    Betty Jane Ardinetti

    Elizabeth Madeline Ardinetti

  23. adam cole

    lorelai jade


    you might want to eliminate middle names due to size new family

  24. boy: Adam Cole

    girl: Kasey Madison

  25. jessie taylor AND

    adam cole

    they are both so cute! all are really nice names of luck with everything!

  26. kastan jones ardinetti - I don't like Kastan at all. If Jones isn't a family name, I wouldn't use it.

    derek blake ardinetti - Nice combination, I don't care for the names, though.

    adam cole ardinetti - I like this one.

    dean marshall ardinetti - This is my favorite.


    kasey madison ardinetti - I hate Kasey and Madison. They sound well together, though.

    lorelai jade ardinetti - I like Lorelai.

    lena (lay-nuh) marie ardinetti - This is my favorite. However, most people pronounce Lena as Lee-nuh, which I prefer.

    jessie taylor ardinetti - Sounds like a boy name. How about Jessica with Jessie as a nickname?

    My favorites are definitely Dean Marshall and Lena Marie.

    My least favorites are Kastan Jones and Kasey Madison.

  27. i love kasey madison, derek blake

  28. Tough when you dont know the s*x... but I'll choose mybe two of each...

    BOY: Adam Cole

    Derek Blake


    Lorelai Jade

    Kasey Madison

    Best of luck with quads!!!! I have two and I think they're more than enough! LOL  

  29. awww congrats on quads !

    my friends mom is actually having quads too in january

    i like derek and adam for two boys

    and i like lorelai and lena for two girls.

    theyre all pretty cute names =] so congrats on your quads

    good luck :-)

  30. Derek Blake and Adam Cole for the boys,

    Lena is the only one I like for a girl...

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