
What do you think of these pictures? Are they paranormal?

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  1. This question is just a person jumping around to different topics and all their friends follow them.

    A legit question has an average of 7-8 answers and this new person has over 30 instantly. B.S.

    The first 30 answers posted at the same moment  the question posted so the questioner obviously jumps around different topics asks a question then texts all the little buddies to come answer.

    not worth an answer. It is a points game.

  2. Never saw anything like them...hope someone on here knows!

  3. The issue is that one can create things very believable as CGI these days and even the remote control servos and kits or parts can be made to look like anything. Historically the ships shown are not this elaborate. Adamski's shots can show that.....Use your head folks, just because you believe does not make everything believable....

  4. as much as i do believe in other life out there...i think this is a big FAKE.

  5. why would it have japanese on it? i want to look into this.

  6. I do believe in UFO's, I am convince I saw one when I was a child at my school bus stop.  But no, these photos are doctured, way to much to type to explain.

  7. I live near Big Basin...have for the last 30 years.  Not only have I never seen them, they're not part of any local folklore.

    The pics definitely look local, but I can't say much for the pics.

    Looks to me like one of the local hippies smoked a little too much and got lost on a Star Trek trip...

  8. No there are good fakes.  The guy who made these worked for one of the big Hollywood CGI computer companies.

    There are a bunch of guys that do this in their spare time and then get them posted on youtube.  This one used models and computer graphics.

  9. I would not trust too much content from coast to coast most of it is fake... besides what purpose would a craft of that type of design really have  out side of some weird cooking thing...

  10. Looks like some extravigant cooking tools. Fake and Fake!!

  11. Well, they're paranormal in the sense that they seem to have a UFO in it. I'd probably agree it was genuine if it didn't look photoshopped...but that's just me.

    In my opinion, it's a bad phtoshopping job that gives people a sense of the unusual. Cool looking, but no...not paranormal.

  12. wow wow WOW!!!!

    thats like really freaky!!!

    i wish i could see them

    it just makes u think...

    whered they come from??

  13. I absolutely believe in UFO's and higher life forms!  Those look paranormal to me!

  14. No

  15. Looks like somebody's egg beater got out of its drawer again.

    You really need to lock those drawers ...

  16. FAKE.

  17. Beautiful area. No intelligent craft from another universe or even ours would allow such close ups, sorry.

  18. I'm thinking, photo shop is way to popular...

    It's really hard to believe that things like this are real just by seeing a picture on a computer/online because a lot of people are just that good at photoshop to make things look that real.

  19. Those photos could not fool even the simplest of minds.

  20. They definitely don't look 'normal' by conventional standards......

    *I absolutely love the design of it - whatever 'it' is!

  21. MBG. The first pic is that of a hang glider. The two to follow. Come on!

  22. NO! I have never heard of a UFO that looks like a crab!

  23. wow those are pretty awesome looking..i mean even if it may be fake, nice job on whoever was bored enough to make it/photoshop it.

    it could be paranormal..who knows..either way pretty cool!

  24. I hate to jump to conclusions, but this is fake.  First of all, those crafts don't look like they have anything that could practically keep them up.  Lift isn't magical.  Also, the designs have too much impracticality.

  25. The first one looks fake and the second one looks like something from a video game.

  26. I'm a believer in UFOs and all that... but these look fake to me.

  27. Wow. Weird..........hard to say what they are............

  28. hahaha um... well first off i think that if ANYONE had really taken those pictures they would be on the news... at least one station. Being that they are sooooo abstract. Normally they're something like a saucer or glowing light floating around. I wouldnt consider them being paranormal as much as i would extraterestrial... even tho they look like they're totally photoshopped. I mean, c'mon look at the writing on that it looks more like japanese. If they were anything out of the ordinary i would imagine that writing to look more like giberish than a known language....

  29. looks like an Asian Aircraft... the writings are asian

    Probably Japanese stuff

  30. Probably designed/created by some mad genius at one of the Universities in your city.

  31. Wow creepy but maybe some sort of Japanese or Chinese military experiment. Hopefully you didnt see it in Washington!

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