
What do you think of these ufo paintings?

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these paintings are from years ago what do you think of these.

there of course wasnt any planes about in those days so what do you think was going from the persons mind when he made this paintings who created these paintings and

what do these mean. does it mean there use to be aliens visiting people on earth and someone taking paintings of it all happening?




  1. Those UFO paintings were created by Masons who knew that intelligent beings (Humans) from other world visited our earth in the past and around their time that's' why they painted these paintings. UFO unknown flying vehicles is nothing new they found hiergyphics at the temple of Abydos, Egypt which depict aviation vehicles crafts we have in the modern but only on hieroglyphics. Many epics such as the ones of Enoch, Thoth, The Vedas etc all speak of advanced technology and flying vehicles which the ancients had or their gods had.

  2. After discovering the the land is not square, but round I guess their next curiosity went to what's beyond earth, so they thought they might be disfigured humans . ( They have arms, legs, and heads, but is deformed in a way) I don't know. But it's pretty interesting.

  3. They are great. I have seen some of them before. Its also true that their are alien life forms in space only an arrogant idiot would think we were the only life forms, after all look at us we must be the stupidest life forms there is on the alien chart. After all we destroy ourselves and our resources with pollution and greediness how stupid is that.

    In the olden days there were no weapons that could hurt them or destroy them and as it has been pointed out above many of the ancient civilisations have always believed God to be from above and why is that for? I believe it cuz they had a few visitors, as you have seen there have been many mysteries that are unsolved such as the Egyptian Pyramids and the accuracy of them pin pointed perfectly to certain stars and still standing today. Without the tools we have today.

    Also the Mayans who as you may or not know have started the whole end of the world saga with their calendar and also have been under the spot light about the crystal skulls and the possibility that they were in contact with other life forms due to again the great accuracy of their astronomy and maths without the tools we have today and of course the Aztec who drew creatures such as the Hummingbird and Monkey to show the Gods who they believed looked down from the sky. Its all in historical facts.

    I just think a lot of people are scared to think we are not alone.

  4. "very interesting",...

    looks like a picture of moses with two tables of

    stones ,..unless my eyes are playing tricks on me,...


  5. It is possible,yes.

  6. Think you find an explanation for each. Some are very well known archaeological items that have been 'explained' without recourse to the 'alien' theory.

  7. Some of the Gods with animal heads could be what the people naturally thought their Gods should look like, or satan actually made people liek that (human body and an animal head) by messing with human and animal DNA. The paintings of the suits and UFO spaceships, I think men had knowledge of such matters or else they could not build the pyramids, ect. If they are UFO's it would be demons in disquize, afterall, demons are ghosts.

  8. It's just a big scam..a hoax being perpetrated on simpletons. Remember..stupid is as stupid does.

  9. wow.. Jesue was a frikin' alien!! im a beliver!! .. those are pretty neat tho.. crazy!

  10. I like it. Did you know that at least one item from the old testament has been patented? There is a description of, I think, Salomon, going up in the sky that was also identically reported by the 1st guy to go up in a rocket?

  11. UFOs scare me

  12. very interesting.

  13. Must be like reading a History Book to you Showing what your Forefathers got up to

    may this help

  14. They remind me of New Age Religion

    Thank you very Much

  15. probably they could be seen in the air as it would have been much clearer then and people probably  noticed lights or whatever in the sky and so drew them, its very interesting.

  16. They're being misinterpretted. Most of that looked like normal, ancient art to me.

  17. ha ha you fell for it lol

  18. Strange that we are only interpreting them to be UFOs now.  We have little clue as to the interpretation or meaning of some of those illustrations or statues in their historical and cultural contexts.

  19. sounds interesting but im busy... aliens are demons...

  20. That's very ineresting. It kinda makes you wonder if aliens are real because those paintings were created so long ago......

  21. Incredible and beautiful interpretations of artists now or in the past should never be confused as historical fact.  Artistic minds see and interpret things differently from most of us more literal thinkers.

    Additionally, historians try to corroborate one kind of evidence with other evidence of the same time and period.  Is there corroborating evidence?

    That is not to say that I think it impossible for other beings besides us to exist.  It is to say that artistic renditions aren't necessarily meant to be literal and can have many interpretations.

  22. Its very interesting, good evidence of UFOs in ancient times. Those ancient peoples have were obviously seeing something, but what what it was exactly, Im not sure.

  23. wat ???

  24. fascinating,these discs are through out our history,for sure...

  25. cool

  26. hmm, but back then, they were more likely to mistake things as ufos. They probably saw some weird weather phenmomana and distored it in painting

  27. well i do believe that somewhere in the universe there has to be a life form besides the ones found on earth

    however i dont think that those paintings reveal that aliens visited earth long ago

    some of those paintings just look like people or animals in human form

    and the first one looks like it was done today

  28. cool paintings :). probably in ancient times mankind was visited by a space traveling alien race...back then people didn't knew what an alien was so they saw the aliens to be god like (because of their ships and technology) and so in a act of respect and worship they decided to paint the aliens :), to you and me it might seem alien but to ancient man it was gods from heavens.

  29. I personally think that we did not evolve from chimps (why would they still be here) Maybe we were the dumb aliens that got "left behind " Think about it !

  30. Interesting that so many cultures spread all over the world would have the same art.  Can't be a coincidence, they were all seeing the same things.

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