
What do you think of this BS-L?

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> 1. If you were the sheriff in your town and you learned that Toyotas

> were disproportionately involved in more accidents than any other

> model,

> would you:


> (a) ban Toyotas and confiscate the Toyota of anyone caught driving

> one,

> or (b) arrest the drivers responsible for those accidents?


> 2. Which course of action in Question 1 do you think would: (a)

> inconvenience the fewest number of people, (b) be the more

> efficient use

> of taxpayer dollars, and (c) be more effective in preventing future

> accidents involving Toyotas?


> 3. If your answer to Question 1 was (a) -- ban Toyotas -- and the

> sheriff's department learned that, by a statistical quirk, drivers of

> confiscated Toyotas were perpetrating further accidents by driving,

> say,

> Hondas, would you then ban Hondas? If not, why not?


> 4. If your answer to Question 3 was, "Ban Hondas, too, dammit,

> something

> HAS to be done," then would you propose a ban on ALL car models with

> names ending in "a," such as Kias and Mazdas, reasoning that all these

> brands are pretty much bred for the same purpose? If not, why not? If

> so, how would you deal with car brands that end in the SOUND of "a,"

> such as Chevrolet?


> 5. Are you beginning to understand (a) that because most of the

> tens of

> millions of pet dogs are NOT registered, "breed" cannot be defined

> in a

> meaningful way; (b) that miscreants employ pit bulls, German

> Shepherds,

> Rottweilers, Dobermans, Akitas, Great Danes -- that is, whichever

> dog is

> handy --as personal tools of terrorism; (c) that law enforcement

> authorities could waste inordinate amounts of time (and, therefore,

> taxpayer dollars) policing a breed ban, adding to their jobs a task

> perhaps even more meaningless than enforcing jaywalking laws; (d) that

> the people most likely affected by a breed ban --- that is, those

> inconvenienced, harrassed and likely to suffer damage -- are the 99.9%

> majority of utterly innocent dogs and people; and (e), most important,

> that breed bans do ESSENTIALLY NOTHING to address the real problem:

> Human scumbags who abuse animals?


> Key: If your answer to any part of Question 5 is "no," I'm afraid you

> have flunked. Please go back and reconsider your responses. Hint: The

> answer to the question, "What shall we do about the bank robber who

> got

> away on a bicycle?" is not: Ban bicycles.


> Real answer: If your dog hurts someone, you -- not the dog --

> should be

> responsible. Anti-cruelty and anti-dog-fighting laws already exist.

> Tell

> your mayor, and city or county or provincial council to up the current

> penalties, and insist that judges enforce those penalties against

> lawbreakers.


> Test created by Paul Glassner, San Francisco SPCA


> Permission to reprint is granted by North Carolina Responsible Animal

> Owners Alliance

> This article was created by Paul Glassner of the San Francisco SPCA.

> Please keep his name attached to any reprints.




  1. Excellent - shows the illogicality of BSL for what it is.

  2. BSL hurts. I hate so much seeing my dog on that list...he's a German Shepherd by the way. I also understood that by owning this breed i was going to be subjected to all this "bad dog" B.S. So i do what i can to make sure I am a good owner and my dog is a GOOD dog. I've worked with him a lot on training. ONly 7 months old and any class he could take he would pass with flying colors. I have him vaccinated, licensed, obey all leash laws, and he's also microchipped. I think that by being a good pet owner you are more likely to have good pets that are upstanding members of society. Thanks for this article. It was great.

  3. It's a great way of putting Breed Specific Laws in their place.

    Unfortunately our law makers believe they know best.

    Here in Ohio, they enacted H.B. 545 to stop "check cashing" businesses from charging three digit finance charges.  Unfortunately, again, the people that are hurting for money are being put on the fence even more by these unscrupulous people, but they have no where else to go.

    Another one of those "Big Brother Knows Best".


  4. Very good article, do you have the website it came from avaliable?  This is something we should all keep handy in case BSL legislation becomes and issue in our areas.  

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