
What do you think of this? England declare war on Russia?

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Sorry Russia declare war on England




  1. There is no reason why either country should declare war on each other thus making your question a non-starter.

  2. yeah,right.just what we need. another ******* war

  3. What?

    News source please........

  4. scotland would play no part on this. UNDERSTOOD!!!!

  5. You will soon know about if it starts A lot of people think that war is just like a Playstation game. Just goes to show how thick some of the population are.

  6. why?  didn't hear that

  7. Easy. They have turned off the gas tap and we are toast for this winter. Expect tens of thousands to freeze to death. Blame in on Miliband for starting it.

  8. Russia have nothing to gain with doing it

    England have to much too lose in Europe to do it

    Countries don't start war just to show off or put them in bad position

  9. i think england should declare war on america and russia,then after a bit of fighting ,then tell them both that we have run out of money and we will have to finnish, sit back and excuse ourselves, and watch the two of them fight on!!

  10. Not gonna happen....

  11. Well, I'm Scottish, so I don't actually give a f*ck.

    Apart from that, I think you're talking bollocks.

  12. England or more correctly the United Kingdom declare war on Russia would be a bungee jump without a rope.

    Russia declare way on the United Kingdom   would at present be of no benefit to them. Our forces are there to make sure that they get such a bloody nose if they do that it would be a pyrrhic victory  

  13. It would be like England playing for the Ashes against Australia.

  14. Yes well I do think in the next few years, the west will have to ease off the 'terrorists' con, and will go for the Russian terrorists now that they can pin 'terrorism' on a known enemy, let's see how the sheeple will fall for it.

  15. Nonsense!

  16. By England I presume you mean the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.

    Why should this nation, or any other, declare war on a country whose principal export is prostitutes?

  17. not going to happen...soon. First Ukraine, Poland, maybe then.

  18. it would be quite pointless actually

  19. Lucky I am Welsh then.

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