
What do you think of this Midol commercial?

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I don't have the commercial link, but I was watching TV and it basically said "no wonder it's called the curse" and they described all the typical cramps, bloating, etc. and then they were like "reverse the curse with Midol". I was offended because as a woman I don't consider my periods curses at all, but a part of nature. Midol was advertising themselves as a cure to the "curse". What do you think?




  1. Ok I am not embarrassed about it at all...

    But I dont talk about it with other people.

    I am not a crazy feminist who sees it as a hinderance to a career and success...

    however it annoys the heck out of me because I have to go to the bathroom more and worry about it....and it makes me uncomfortable sometimes so I do call it a curse...but I always say that I cant wait to get pregnant so I can have a 9 mo

    Its an annoyance sometimes...thats all

    like now.. almost that time..... and my lower back really hurts...

  2. Well without this "curse" you dads wouldnt have any babies now would you?  You wouldnt be able to fulfill your gender's only purpose:  to multiply.  I'ts not a curse, it's a pain in the        a ss    every now and then but thats about it.

  3. Curse?? I never looked at my period that way. And I never heard this "biblical" explanation, either-- when Adam and Eve ate the forbidden fruit they became mortal beings (as opposed to immortal beings).....who on earth was creative enough to add menstruation to the list??

    I'm a woman, and women have periods.  

    Lol, curse.....

  4. Wait I'm a little confused here. The curse is womanhood right? How does midol turn you into a man?

  5. Many feminists are ashamed of being women.

    Since many women are feminists and hold feminist beliefs they thought saying something like that would encourage women to buy their product because hopefully these women feel the same way.

  6. To be fair, it is a very unpleasant experience for many women so that's why they view it as a curse. To be honest, I wish mine would stop. I started having them over 36 years ago and there's no need for them to continue because I can't have children anymore.

  7. You might have a point here.  I've heard some women call it "the curse."  If you were upset, there were others.  I wouldn't be surprised if they change that commerical.

  8. come on now. periods are a curse on women. just like male pattern baldness is a curse on men.

  9. "The curse" is a biblical reference. In Genesis a woman's reproductive process is cursed by God because of eating the forbidden fruit. I too am offended by this commercial, but more so because of the use of biblical references without any regard for proper context.

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