
What do you think of this Mom's way of playing?

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While I was waiting in the doctor's waiting room, there was a young mother there with her 4 year old child.

At one point, the mother placed her hand beside the child's face, and with her other hand, slapped her own hand away really hard. She did not hurt the child in the least, but the sound was awful. Just like she had slapped the little girl's face. The little girl just smiled, so I think she is used to Mommy doing this to her.

An elderly lady was sitting in a chair behind the child, facing the other direction. She had not seen the mother slapping the child, but I am sure she must have felt the mother's movement, so close behind her.. It certainly sounded as tho the child had been slapped very, very hard. The lady turned, and gave a nasty, disapproving face. She did not say anything at all.

I was thinking that this mother was setting herself up for being reported for child abuse. It certainly sounded like abuse. And I did not like seeing the mother playing with the idea of slapping the child's face. Did not seem appropriate to me.

What are your thoughts on this?




  1. She didn't say anything because she was afraid of getting some of the same!

    I can't say it's the best thing in the world, but it's really none of my business eh?

  2. you should get up and say let me try and slap the mom as hard as you can then walk off

  3. What's the big deal? She was just playing, and didn't lay a hand on her daughter.

    Who cares what people THINK they was just play.

  4. i do this to people all the time

  5. It is a harsh way to punish.

  6. Maybe it was a joke.. to her and her daughter.. I know that If I saw that I would think something was off.. I mean pretending to hurt someone should not be considered a joke. I agree with you it seems a little inappropriate to do.. but who are we to judge right?

  7. I certainly don't think this mother was thinking when she did that. You never know, maybe the child likes this. I don't think it should have been done in private. Most children would be scared by this.

  8. Did you ever consider that the child may be deaf.  Stop jumping to conclusions.  You don't know why this is going on and it is people making assumptions that causes more trouble than anything.  The little girl was smiling and her mother had her at the doctors office.  Do you really think this is the typical place that child abuse occurs?  Consider that fact that you don't have all the information and you don't have any right to judge what was done.  

  9. That sounds like something pre-teens do.. Strange.  I think it's outlandish that a mother would do such a thing to a young child, even if she was playing, she might accidentally hit the child.

  10. It was totally inappropriate would mention it to the doctor so he could discreetly look for signs of abuse.It sounds like she was telling her what she would far as that guy above me slapping in the face is abuse a adult is far more powerful than the child and there are thousands of nerves on the face a sharp pat on the but would not be bad but a child's face I would like to smack Mr Eagle and see what he thinks then about a child getting it there

  11. My daughter is always falling over she actually fell down the stairs the other week, lucky she was already half way down when she did, but she still ended up with a black eye, now i was afraid to take her out because of people like you who assume things, i did actually have someone ask me " oh what happened to her," and then look at me in a disapproving way, it is very hurtful to assume that someone would think you beat your own child.

    so maybe think before jumping to conclusions. as things are not always what they seem.

  12. If the child is smiling then obviously it is a game to her. All sorts of things can amuse children and I think it's wrong of you to judge this.

  13. she technically didn't do anything wrong. as long as she doesen't hurt the child, that's fine.

  14. Personally i believe in being able to smack ones own kids when the need arises. This seems to be another way of getting the message across without actually hurting the child.  

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