
What do you think of this Quote by Jim Morrison?

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  1. For the person that said he was full of himself, the quote was made in reply to an interview asking about himself and the band or something similar to that (this was in the beginning years). Anyway, to the quote, I find it interesting how it basically summarized what his life was like that after wards. Also the quote isn't something that you commonly hear people saying or imagining. Other than that I would say it was just an average quote. I read something once that reminded me a lot of this quote, it was in a Kerouac novel, I forget which now (Jim liked Kerouac, so maybe inspiration?) In my opinion, there are much better quotes by Jim. I guess it isn't a stunning quote because it was taken from a conversation. Most people don't walk around speaking in a way that would make for a good quote (it would seem pretentious)

    Either way it is an interesting thought or concept, especially to share with someone else, but not the best quote from him by far (again just my opinion, but I think that the quotes taken from his poetry are much better)        

  2. probably one of the greatest quotes i've ever read!!!!

  3. Full of himself, isn't he?

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