
What do you think of this Russian statement?

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In this article, scroll about halfway and the Russian government told the Republic of Moldova that any aggression verses its separatist region could provoke a "Military response."

Now, To the east, north and south of Moldova is Ukraine, and to the west is Romania. Tensions are already high between Ukraine and Russia, mainly because of a port the Russians have leased in the black sea that resides on Ukrainian waters, and military threats from Russia versus Ukraine.

So Moldova is land locked, so in order for Russia to get to Moldova, they would have to invade Ukraine as the most direct route, fly over Ukrainian airspace to get to Moldova or use a Ukrainian based port they have leased to come from the south of Ukraine into southern Moldova.

Basically, they would have to violate Ukrainian sovereignty to get to Moldova, there is no way around it. I think this would get all of Europe, N.A.T.O and the EU on edge, especially the neighboring regions, Poland too.

So my question is, how do you think the west would react to a military scenario as listed above?

Especially after everything with Georgia, Abkhazia and South Ossetia and what not.




  1. Glad my military contract is up in November this year and I go on terminal next week

    Ha I love the Air Force real work comment

    Iraqi freedom was an Air War from the beginning maybe you missed on the whole Shock and Awe Campaign

    As well I have been in the AF Military Police and we deploy just as much as the Army and Marines (if not more (maybe for a few months less)

    We are averaging 6 months home (with TDY training so count another 2 weeks to a month away) to 6 to 9 months away and back all over again

    Why do you think I'm getting out?

  2. Former President Putin has discussed this point of view with President George Bush, Defense Secretary Gates and Secretary of State Condi Rice.  This behavior is not a surprise to the diplomatic corp.  The Russians feel that their diplomatic means have been exhausted and un-addressed during Putin's Presidential term as President. He has largely been treated as hot air, dismissed and disrespected primarily by the U.S. President following NATO Coalition. From a geopolitical standpoint they have their backs against the NATO wall.  I think what they want is to re-negotiate the NATO Pact to view favorably Russian interests and they are willing to go to war with NATO if otherwise.  I am not so sure they are convinced that they can win the war, but they will die trying and so will many American troops.  

    This is a classic case of not having a team of talent on the U.S. side to de-construct their arguments, analyze the plausibility of there request then find someway to compromise. We are now in the political  posture of somebody loosing military face and influence in the region.

    Strategically the Russian military has a strong bite and a just cause just as the U.S. does if the shoe was on the other foot in Cuba. I am not sure who will come to Russian Aide militarily.  The old standbys for the U.S. would be Britain, Israel, Poland, the Ukraine at first glance. If I were the Russians I wouldn't trust the Chechen's and a few of the smaller states who do not want Russian government. Russia has as an ally, China, I am not sure of the logistics and capabilities of the Chinese government, the Russians have Iran, Venezuela and most importantly the weather and mountainous regions.

    My hope and prayer is that between Russia and America, I hope somebody has a hidden talent to do a world of good and show us the Russian version of a stellar statesman, likewise with the U.S.  We don't need another war, we really don't. I will say this that everyone has their finger on the button, trigger and phone. Cooler heads must prevail and peaceful means is begging for the chance in this war strife world.  

  3. Russia is governed by a neo-Hitler !!!

  4. I really do not think we will go to war with Russia but if we do - it will hurt! I doubt this would be mainly a ground fight so the Air Force will more than likely have to put in some real work for once!

  5. The same way we reacted to Berlin in 1948, Budapest 1956, Prague 1968, Gdansk 1988.  We'll covertly promote opposition, then when they crush it, we'll use harsh language and get the newspapers make them look like bad guys.

    Sort like a professional wrestling match, but the joke is on the guys who don't know it is fixed and end up serving long terms in Siberia.

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