
What do you think of this Shaytan video?

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  1. d**n. YOU FOUND ME OUT.


  2. Shaytan's mother tongue is Arabic.

    Do muslims EVER wonder why...?

    the Torah written thousands of years before Islam was started, openly declared Isaac to be the rightful son of the covenant, the Jews as the chosen people, and the eternal covenant between God and the Jews...was suddenly overturned by muhammad's encounter in the Hira cave?

    I mean, I know why muslims believe in muhammad, but do muslims spend time thinking about why would a God who spent thousands of years writing the scriptures through tens of prophets and thousands of witnesses SUDDENLY turn around and appear to a person who neither had the miraclous nor prophetic powers to prove his anointment and claim all previous revelations or records as corrupted.

    That Isaac was not the rightful heir, that the Jews are now discarded as the chosen, and the covenant is no longer eternal.

    Seriously. As a muslim, do you spend time thinking of the probability of a God who would turn against His people whom He had taken 40 years to personally lead across the desert to Canaan, manifesting great miracles...only to bring up a man as a final and last prophet yet already disqualified by God’s previous prophets and chose a totally different community to be the chosen.

    So, this God is trying to prove Himself as unreliable, to go even against His own will, unable to keep previous scriptures intact yet surprisingly able to keep the final one intact (according to muslims), but wasted thousands of years only to bring up ONE FINAL prophet?

    Does anyone here with an IQ of 100 and above seriously believe God to be this dumb or is it only the dumb people who seriously believe God to be as dumb as them?

    Since when is a religion established by making its deity first look dumb and then claims that the deity made subsequent corrections to rectify previous incapabilities & failures?  Only in Islam.

    This is called religious delusion.


  3. I like it. I also found out that there is a series for these videos called "abaleeso" and they all talk about different subjects with nice ideas and presentations..

  4. im sorry no comment but it was kind of weird although it had a good moral behind it

  5. I think that is has a good moral behind it and also shows us how we could easily fall for the wrong, be decieved.

    Assalamu alaikum wb

  6. So true!!

    Guys are masters!!

    Guys can do many tricks that girls would never imagine!!

  7. comment

  8. I find it ridiculous and quite frankly, retarded. Even when I believed, I used to think most of these concepts are allegorical simplifications and that we must look beyond the literal meanings.

    That's my opinion, sorry, you asked.

  9. i think it is a little too overdramatic but a good moral

  10. Hi, i think you won't get allot of answers to this question b/c the video is in arabic, but anyway thanks for asking this very useful question.

    This video is considered as a very valuable lesson to our kids, sisters and friends, it represent the bad side of useing the internet and any links to it.

    Thanks for raising this issue up.


  11. very very true!

    guys are scum bags! lol  


  13. It could use more cows....  

  14. It reminds me of Christian propaganda I used to hear about in high school, saying how the Computer & Internet is a product of the Devil the "Mark of the Beast." It's just propaganda I think! A way to scare people from doing things they enjoy, a warning that pleasure can be dangerous if used in excess amounts. .

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