
What do you think of this? Should a man have to disclose his <span title="criminal/marriage/residential">criminal/marriage/residen...</span> history to a woman?

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If he is looking for a foreign bride? Or does it trample over his rights to be forced to do this?




  1. heck yeah i woman potentially marrying someone wants to know what kind of person she&#039;s getting with... especially cos she&#039;s getting his bad credit... also he could be a murderer for goodness sakes!

  2. Well, I have mixed feelings on it. One one side it can be seen as a good thing since you have a lot of psychos out there who really are dangerous and are prowling the Internet for victims. I&#039;ve heard some stories of mail-order brides being murdered.

    On the other side, I feel it can be unfair to those guys who may have made mistakes in the past but are really looking forward to a fresh start and second chance. But criminal records are permanent, and I feel being having to reveal his personal background is an encroachment on his privacy and could potentially ruin his chances of finding a bride.

    Also, the reason this sort of thing doesn&#039;t exist for women is because statistically (well, there may not be any statistics but I&#039;m sure you can take a good guess) women just aren&#039;t as likely as men to go online and seek an international marriage. You will hear a lot of women on this forum being irritated at those guys because they see it as a way of those men dodging feminists women. Perhaps that&#039;s true. If you notice, most of those mail-order sites are based in economically depressed countries where feminism hasn&#039;t kicked in yet and where marrying a Western man is seen as a ticket out of there.

  3. In America, in order to get a job, buy a house, or even a car, adopt a child, become a foster parent, or a mentor, you need at least one (or all) of the following: you have to have a criminal background check, a credit history check, and job history. so what&#039;s the big deal?

    Most &quot;mail order brides&quot; are obtained through an online dating service. Correct me if I&#039;m wrong, but don&#039;t most American dating services (that don&#039;t troll overseas) REQUIRE A BACKGROUND CHECK? Why should it be different for women in another country? From what I understand, all the women on these &quot;mail order&quot; sites are required to go through a whole battery of tests (for criminal history, STDs, etc.)...some that even make them go through exams to ensure their virginity. Why should the men not have to verify, at the very least, that they are not violent criminals?

    Through the &quot;old fashioned&quot; means, a couple get to know one another by spending a lot of time together. This is not possible with mail order brides.

  4. deffinately YES. men would want to know if there was anything fisshy about their women, so yes, they should.

    relationsships that r not strong from the start and not built on trust wont last.

  5. If a woman is willing to leave her home and go to a foreign country to be someone&#039;s mail-order bride, she deserves to know what she&#039;s getting into. If you don&#039;t like, don&#039;t do it.

  6. HAVE TO?  Not necessarily, but it would be in his best interests if he voluntarily CHOSE to - foreign OR domestic bride.

    If he comes clean about it all and she STILL wants him, then he knows he&#039;s scored a home run!  However, if she DOESN&#039;T still want him, then it is better that he finds that out up front so he won&#039;t be hiding it all and living in secret fear of her discovering it by accident later.

    A relationship based on lies and/or cover-ups is doomed from the start - it just may take a little longer to fall apart, but fall apart, it WILL!

    Fear of exposure is a powerful source of stress and anxiety that no relatioship needs and no individual person needs, either!

    My late husband had some creepy skeletons in his closet when I met him and he told me all about them right up front.  I loved him for the person he was when I met him - who he had been before was not an issue for me as long as he was willing to be honest and open with me about it.

    However, had he hidden the more questionable elements of his past, and I had discovered them on my own, I might very well have felt and reacted quite differently!

    No, it should NOT be MANDATORY, but it should all still be forthcoming VOLUNTARILY.

  7. yes... for safety reasons only.

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