
What do you think of this Sonnet that I wrote?

by  |  earlier

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The stormy gray clouds that fill the night sky,

The fatal chill of the winter deathblow,

And winds that shriek a bloodcurdling cry.

They can make your blood run colder than snow.

Snowflakes coat everything that’s in sight.

There’s a chill that sends shivers up your spine.

It is a trying fight to beat frostbite,

When deadly snow, wind and cold intertwine.

Winter can be a gloomy time of year,

But small crystals of snow fall from above.

Yes, the beauty is just so very clear.

Little white diamonds melt on your glove.

Everything is white that meets the eye,

With wind that hums the pleasant tune in the sky.

Please offer as much constructive criticism as you can!




  1. V1 line 4 could usefully lose a word That instead of They can

    V3 has six lines V1 V2 have four, odd.

    Otherwise very good.

  2. I truly like this, very much, I see that the different stanza are of different lengths 4,4,6

    To me this doesn't make a difference, what I read is very well written!

    Most all my contacts are top contributors in poetry so I have stared it for you and this should help you get more critique on it! As for myself I feel it was very well done! Thanks so much for sharing this!!  Cheers !!

    I am not qualified enough to tell you anything further so I leave it to others who are!!

  3. Be careful calling it a sonnet as most will critique based on non usage of iambic pentameter and the two line refrain at the end.  As to beats per line

    L1  10

    L2  10 (winter's?)

    L3    9 ( i count bloodcurdling as 3)

    L4   10  (colder than snow...blood run?  weak)

    L5     9

    L6   10

    L7   10

    L8   10

    L9   10 (cliched?)

    L10 10

    L11 10

    L12   9

    L13   9

    L14 11

    Some nice images and some borderline cliche.  Good start.  If you want to call it a sonnet, read some definitions of what makes a sonnet and then decide if you want to call it that or just a poem in a sonnet like form.

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